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Название статьи:

Методическая разработка уроков-проектов в 9-х классах ( 2 урока) Роль политического лидера и национальных символов (флагов, гербов, эмблем) в историческом развитии англо-говорящих стран (Великобритании, США) и России | Зубачева Ревекка Моисеевна. Работа №234982

Дата публикации:

Автор: Зубачева Ревекка Моисеевна
Учащиеся 9-х классов приготовили для защиты на уроке три проекта про политических лидеров двух англоговорящих стран (Великобритании и США)и России, их роль в историческом развитии стран, а также доказывали как, когда и почему в каждой стране были выбраны флаги, герб и национальные символы.

Муниципальное Общеобразовательное Учреждение
Средняя Общеобразовательная Школа№64
имени Б. Ручьева города Магнитогорска
Методическая разработка уроков-проектов
в 9-х классах
( 2 урока)
Роль политического лидера и национальных символов (флагов, гербов, эмблем) в историческом развитии англо-говорящих стран (Великобритании, США) и России.
Выполнила: Зубачева Римма Моисеевна,
учитель английского языка
I квалификационной категории.
Магнитогорск 2019г.
Цели и задачи уроков:
1.Познавательный ( культурологический) аспект – знакомство с известными политическими лидерами и историческими личностями США, Британии и России, их символами, флагами, гимнами.
2. Развивающий аспект – развитие речевых умений на основе творческого использования раннее усвоенного материала. Развитие способности слушать собеседника и оценивать услышанную информацию.
3.Воспитательный аспект—формирование демократических представлений об историческом развитии государства, формирование потребности к самостоятельному труду.
4.Учебный аспект— скрытый контроль уровня сформированности речевых умений.
Оборудование урока:
1. Дидактический материал: карточки-задания к текстам для аудирования, таблицы с Речевым Этикетом, грамоты для награждения победителей, плакаты с Флагом, гербом и гимном России.
2. Иллюстрации к уроку
3. Презентации учащихся о Великобритании, США и России.
4.Презентация Политическая система англоговорящих стран и России, флаги, эмблемы.
5. Аудиозапись с гимнами стран.
Ход урока
Этап урока , время.
Деятельность учителя
Деятельность учащихся
I Оргмомент.
10 минут.
Основная часть урока:
Защита проектов.
итогов 1-го
2-ой урок.
I этап-продолжение
30 минут
Оценка проекта№2.
I Оценка проекта №3
10 минут.
III Подведение итогов уроков.
5 минут
Сообщение учителем целей и задач урока. Повторение ЛЕ по теме Защита проекта
Вступительное слово учителя:
T: Today we shall sum up our topic “The Profile of the country. How the national emblems reflect the historical development of the country.”. You have prepared your projects where you had to prove the role of national symbols in the historical development of the country.. Before listening to your projects let us review the expressions, which you will use while appreciating the projects of other groups. T: Wed like to present a project.. It was done by In my opinion From my point of view They gave a good/boring description of They offered a clear/poor explanation why The project had some new information about They gave us convincing arguments for/against The project is great. The description is fantastic. The illustrations are terrific.
Групповая работа.
Now let’s begin. In your projects you had to solve the problems: What is the role of a person in the history and political system of the country? Why does every country choose this or that symbol? What does it depend on?
Аудирование монологических высказываний уч-ся. Контроль аудирования с помощью тестовых заданий.
T: во время аудирования текста об А.Линкольне учитель раздает уч-ся 2-ой и 3-ей групп карточки с тестом и новыми словами.
Работа в парах.
Listen to the text and mark whether the statements are false or true. 1. The story of this leader makes a typical story of American success. 2. This leader was born in a rich family. 3. He attended school for three years. 4. He taught himself how to read and write. 5. Lincoln strongly opposed slavery and took part in the Civil War. 6. He issued the Emancipation Proclamation, giving political freedom to three million blacks of the South. 7. He was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth, a popular young actor, during a theatre performance at Ford’s Theatre in Washington, DC.
После прослушивания текста и выполнения заданий теста учитель предлагает уч-ся 2-ой и 3-ей группы зачитать правильные утверждения. Ответы уч-ся оцениваются. Затем учитель задает уч-ся 2-ой и 3-ей группы вопрос.
T: Why did Americans love Abraham Lincoln?
T: Учитель ставит аудио кассету с гимном, все слушают, следя за текстом и подпевают.
Т: Перед рассказом о гербе США учитель раздает уч-ся карточки с заданием: найти ответ на два вопроса, где вариантов ответа может быть два.
Цель задания- контроль прослушанного текста.
Работа в парах.
1. Why was the bald eagle chosen as the symbol of the US?
a. It was the cause of the American Independence.
b. It began to disappear. c. American leaders chosen it because it is a bird of strength and courage, and it was found all over North America. 2. Why has the bald eagle almost disappeared? a. Because in 1972 there were only 3,000 bald eagles in the entire US. b. The bald eagle has almost dissapeared from the country because of pollution. c. The eggs have very thin shells and do not hatch. Т: собрав карточки с тестом учитель говорит, что пора подвести итог первому проекту, дать ему оценку, а также определить лучшего уч-ся.
После оценки уч-ся ответов учитель вручает лучшему ученику грамоту.
Защита проектов о Британии и России.
Т: Now we shall listen to the presentation of projects of group№2 and group№3.
Проект о Британии.
Для проверки понимания прослушанного текста учитель задает уч-ся вопросы:
1.Who was King Alfred?
2. What did the people call him?
3. What did he do for his people?
4.What were his personality traits?
Проверка аудирования с помощью теста№3- закончи правильно предложение.
1.The Tudor family came to power…
a. after the Hundred Years” War
b. after the war with Ireland
c. after the War with the Roses
2. Henry VIII closed the monasteries because a. he wanted to get their wealth and lands b. he was an atheist c. he quarreled with his first wife 3. Henry VIII broke away from the Catholic Church because a. the Pope refused to allow him to divorce Catherine of Aragon b. The Pope told him that his marriage was a sin. c. Henry wanted to become a Protestant. Заслушав информацию учащихся об известных королях Британии учитель раздает учащимся таблицу со сравнительной характеристикой двух королев- Елизаветы I и Елизаветы II, нынешней королевы Британии. Изучив информацию в таблице учащиеся делают вывод.
Т: Учитель предлагает уч-ся 1-ой и 3-ей группы оценить ответы уч-ся 2-ой группы.
Лучшему уч-ся вручается грамота.
Защита проекта о России
Т: Учитель напоминает уч-ся, чтобы они не забывали записывать черты характера правителя. После рассказа о Петре 1 просит уч-ся назвать эти черты.
New words:
Emperor – император
sole ruler-единственный правитель
carpentry-плотничное дело
blacksmithing-кузнечное дело
foreign policy-внешняя политика
He waged a war with Turkey- воевал с Турцией
to get access to-получить выход ( к морям).
Т: Учитель просит уч-ся оценить работу третьей группы. Лучшему ученику вручается грамота.
: Учитель обращается к учащимся с вопросом о том, что было сделано сегодня на уроке.
Учитель подводит итог, благодарит всех за работу.
Оценки уч-ся выставлялись по ходу урока.
Домашнее задание:
Ss: Учащиеся повторяют за учителем слова и выражения, которые они будут использовать во время защиты проектов и их оценки.
Во время подготовки к проекту уч-ся разделились на три группы: одна группа готовила проект о политических лидерах и символах США, другая—о Британии, третья—о России.
Таблицы с речевым этикетом находятся на стенде в классе.
Группа№1 защищает проект о США
S1: We'd like to present a project about the political leaders and symbols of the USA. We have chosen this project because we are interested in the history of this country, its political leaders who played a great role in shaping American life and culture. The project was done by.... What famous political leaders of the USA do you know?
Ss: ( отвечают уч-ся 2ой и 3-ей группы). I know such famous persons as G. Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin , Abraham Linkoln.
S1: We’d like to tell you the life story of the 16th American President, because it has become a typical story of American success. ( полный рассказ об А. Линкольне и его портрет находятся в приложении к уроку)
Учащиеся отвечают на вопрос учителя, называя главные черты хар-ра Авраама Линкольна.
Ss: They loved him for his honesty, intelligence and humanity.
Монологические высказывания о флаге и гербе США.
Следующий уч-ся начинает свой рассказ о том, как возник флаг США и объясняет, что его возникновение связано с историей развития страны, ее политической системой.
S2: And now I want to explain how the national flag of the USA was formed.
The Commander–in-chief G. Washington led the American army in many battles during the war for American Independence and in1776 the colonies of the USA declared themselves free and independent of Great Britain. On July 4th, 1776 the famous Declaration of Independence, written by Thomas Jefferson, was signed by 13 United States of America. George Washington was elected to be the first American president. On the 14th of June 1777 the Americans adopted their own flag. Look at the photo of the flag. ( Далее уч-ся описывает флаг, объясняя его название ''Stars and Stripes'').
S3: третий уч-ся объясняет почему флаг имеет также другое название the ''Star- Spangled Banner'' и что первый флаг был сшит из лоскутного одеяла Бетси Росс. Именно в честь этого флага был написан гимн, который так и называется.
Далее уч-ся зачитывает русский перевод гимна М. Кауфман и раздает другим уч-ся текст с гимном.
S4: четвертый уч-ся рассказывает историю возникновения герба США- белоголового орла—“The Bald Eagle”.
( Материал о флаге и гербе США взят из сборника О США Е.А.Костиной Московский лицей, 1997г, стр.53-54. Текст об Аврааме Линкольне—из учебника Т.Б. Клементьевой Счастливый английский-2, стр.268.)
Ss: Уч-ся отвечают на вопрос когда был создан флаг США. Затем работают с карточками, где даны два вопроса о гербе США.
Учащиеся дают оценку первому проекту, используя выражения речевого этикета
Ss: The project is great!
The descriptions of a flag and a symbol are interesting.
They gave some new information about them.
They offered a clear explanation how the national symbols are connected with political system of the country.
Best of all we liked the answer of…
Монологические высказывания уч-ся о монархах Британии, флаге.и национальных символах.
Ss: Учащиеся группы№2 представляют свой проект о Британии.
S1: If we look through historical references of Britain
we shall see that kings or queens always ruled this country and it were they who influenced the life in Great Britain.
Далее уч-ся рассказывает о первом короле Британии—Альфреде Великом, который был добрым королем и сделал много хорошего для своего народа. Люди прозвали его Альфред Хороший
S2: Второй уч-ся рассказывает о Генрихе VIII, втором короле семьи Тюдоров, которые пришли к власти после окончания войны между Красной и Белой Розой, где победила Красная Роза,кот. стала символом Англии.
Вывод: We came to the conclusion that all the kings had such personality traits as kindness, courage, power-love, patriotism.
Вывод уч-ся о королевах:
Finally we compared two women queens and found out that the reign of Elizabeth I was marked by effective use of Parliament. She used it to endorse (approve) her policies and to raise taxes. When she did not like the advice Parliament offered, she ended its sessions. Queen Elizabeth II, the queen of England nowadays, doesn’t have much power. She is a constitutional monarch, but her duties are entirely ceremonial. She signs bills, but doesn’t take part in decision making process.
Ss: Следующие уч-ся описывают флаг Британии и ее символы и делают вывод.
Вывод: All the flags of Britain and symbols bear religious character, that is, they are connected with the church and express the political system of the country.
Ss: Уч-ся других групп оценивают ответы 2-ой группы.
К доске выходят уч-ся 3-ей группы, представляются и начинают свой рассказ о великом правителе и реформаторе России Петре I.
Ss: Уч-ся 1-ой и 2-ой групп называют черты хар-ра ПетраI.
S1: reformer, power-lover, skillful, strong-willed.
Следующий уч-ся рассказывает о том, в какой стране мы сейчас живем и характеризует нынешнего правителя России –Президента Путина.
В заключении, уч-ся описывают флаг и герб России и исполняют Российский гимн.
(Материал о флаге, гербе России и президенте В. Путине находится в приложении к уроку).
Ss: Уч-ся 1-ой и 2-ей групп оценивают ответ уч-ся 3-ей группы.
Ss: Учащиеся отвечают на вопрос учителя.
Демонстрация слайда с портретом и текстом о Линкольне.
Демонсрация слайдов с флагом США
Cлайды с гербом и фото орла.
Cлайд, подтверждающий
хорошую работу уч-ся
Показ слайда
С портретом Альфреда Великого и текста о нем.
Слайд о Генрихе VIII.
Слайды с флагами и символами Британии.
Слайд с фотографией Памятника Петру Великому в Санкт-Петербурге.
Плакат с флагом и гербом России. плакат со словами гимна.
Список используемой литературы
Е.А.Костина О Соединенных Штатах Америки, Москва Московский лицей, 1997г, стр.34-35, стр.53-54.
Т.Б.Клементьева, Джил Шэннон Счастливый английский-2, Обнинск Титул, 2000г., стр.368 ( Гимн США).
В.М. Павлоцкий Портреты знаменитых людей Британии и США,
Санкт-Петербург Каро. Базис, 2001г.( Елизавета I, стр.179-193, Елизавета II, стр.212-219).
В.В Ощепкова, И.И Шустилова О Британии вкратце, Москва Новая школа, 1997г., стр.6-8.
К.И.Кауфманн, М.Ю.Кауфманн Совершенствуй свой английский. Часть1, Обнинск Титул, 1997г., стр.34 ( Король Альфред).
К.И. Кауфман, М.Ю.Кауфманн Совершенствуй свой английский. Часть3, Обнинск Титул, 1998г., стр.29-33 ( Генрих VIII).
Иностранные языки в школе №4. 1991г, Москва Просвещение. ( Тексты страноведческой тематики для чтения в старших классах средней школы. Б.С.Островский, стр.83-88, Флаг Британии).
Иностранные языки в школе №3, 1994г., Москва Просвещение.(Бурдина М.И. Уроки английского языка в 9-классе. Из истории символов Британии. Стр.32-33.).
Нестерчук Г.В., Иванова В.М. США и Американцы Минск Высшая школа, 1998.
Приложение к уроку.
Listen to the text and mark whether the statements are false or true:
The story of this leader makes a typical story of American success.
This leader was born in a rich family.
He attended school for three years.
He taught himself how to read and write.
Lincoln strongly opposed slavery and took part in the Civil War between the North and the South over the issue of slavery.
He issued the Emancipation Proclamation, giving political freedom to three million blacks of the South.
He was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth, a popular young actor , during a theatre performance at Fords Theatre in Washington, D.C.
New Words:
issue- вопрос, предмет спора
to issue—издавать
to assassinate-предательски убивать, совершать террористический акт.
Найдите правильные ответы на вопросы:
Why was the bald eagle chosen as the symbol of the USA?
It was the cause of the American Independence
It began to disappear
American Leaders chose it because it is a bird of strength and courage, and it was found all over North America.
Why has the bald eagle almost disappeared from the country?
Because in 1972 there were only 3,000 bald eagles in the entire United States.
The bald eagle has almost disappeared from the country because of pollution.
The eggs have very thin shells (скорлупа) and do not hatch (высиживать).
New Words:
Anti Lutheran –антилютеранский
Pope-Папа Римский
Defender of the Faith—защитник веры
broke away from the Catholic Church—порвал с католической церковью.
set up his own church of England—основал свою собственную Англиканскую церковь.
Supreme Head—верховный глава
Choose the correct ending:
The Tudor family came to power…
after the Hundred Years” War
after the War with Ireland
after the War of the Roses
By 1521 Henry VIII had written an Anti-Lutheran book for which a grateful Pope awarded him the title of…
Supreme Head of his new church
Defender of the Faith
Hammer of the Scots
Henry VIII closed the monasteries because…
he wanted to get their wealth and lands
he was an atheist
he quarreled with his first wife
He broke away from the Catholic Church because…
the Pope refused to allow Henry to divorce Catherine of Aragon
The Pope told him that his marriage was a sin
Henry wanted to become a Protestant.
Elizabeth I and Elizabeth II
New Words:
Privy Council—Тайное общество
to endorse policy—одобрять, поддерживать политику
to suggest laws-подсказывать, советовать законы
encourage enterprise and commerce—одобрять предпринимательсво и коммерцию
holdings---вклады, владения
generous hostess—щедрая хозяйка.
Сравнительная характеристика правления двух королев
Британии—Елизаветы I и Елизаветы II
Elizabeth I
( 1533-1603)
Elizabeth II
( 1926--)
1. Daughter of Henry VIII
2. Reigned for 44 years
3.The first woman Queen
4. The last of Tudor monarch, never marrying.
5. Her reign was marked by effective use of Parliament and the Privy Council. She used Parliament to raise taxes and to endorse her policies, but also allowed its members to suggest laws regarding local issues. When she did not like the advice Parliament offered, she ended its sessions.
6. Firmly established Protestantism in England, encouraged English enterprise and commerce.
7. Defended the nation against the powerful Spanish naval force, known as Spanish Armada.
1.Niece of Henry VIII
2.Occupies the throne for over 63 years.
3. The 6th Queen Regnant and the 42-nd sovereign of England.
4. Married. Her husband is Philip Mountbatten, Duke of Edinburgh.
Has 4 children-Prince Charles, Princess Anne, Prince Andrew and Prince Edward.
5.She is a constitutional monarch, but her duties are ceremonial. She can choose a Prime Minister, dissolve the Parliament and declare war like an absolute monarch. She has a right and a duty to express her views on government matters to the Prime Minister at their weekly audience. Having expressed her views, the Queen follows the advice of her Ministers.
6.Her full title is the Queen of Great Britain, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of Faith.
7.Her financial and property holdings have made her one of the richest woman in the world.
8. She has been described as the most generous hostess in the world. She welcomes visiting monarchs, princes, sheikhs and presidents to her palaces, castles and her private homes, where they are treated to a unique hospitality.
The President of Russia Vladimir Putin.
At present the political and economic situation in our country is rather complicated, but our president Vladimir Putin does much to improve it. We can characterise him as ambitious, strong-willed, hard-working and gifted. He goes in for sport himself and wants everybody in our country to be healthy and fit. That’s why much attention is paid to the development of sport in our country.
During the last few years our economy has been developing with the rate of over 7 per cent a year. We succeed in reducing the inflation. We have practically paid off our foreign debts. On this background we succeed in solving social problems. The growth of population’s income equals 11 per cent, and state retirement pension—6 per cent.
In spite of the problems Russia is always one of the leading countries in the world. I am sure that the younger generation can do very much to make Russia as strong and powerful as it used to be. We have so many talented and hard-working people who can overcome all difficulties and soon we hope to live in a rich, free and civilized country.
The flag, the coat of arms and national anthem of
We live in the Russian Federation which adopted its Constitution in 1993. The Constitution establishes the national anthem, coat of arms and the flag of Russia in Article 70. The Article says that the state symbol of Russia is a three-coloured banner. It has three horizontal stripes: white, blue and red. The white stripe symbolizes the earth, the blue one stands for the sky, the red one symbo lizes liberty. The white-blue and red flag was established on January20, 1705 by Peter the Great. In early Russia the white colour symbolized generosity and frankness; the blue one—honesty and faithfulness, the red colour stood for courage and love.
The flag-standard was established on February15, 1994 by President B. Eltsin. It is a square-shaped banner with three stripes and a golden two-headed eagle in the centre. Its copy is raised over the dome of the Kremlin residence of our President. And the flag-standard is situated in the President’s cabinet behind his table to the left. It is usually set up in the President’s airplane, car, in the hall during different events. It is also raised on military and trade ships, when President visits them.
A new national emblem is a double-headed eagle. It is the most ancient symbol of Russia, it came from Byzantium to Russia in the 15th century during the reign of Ivan III. The national anthem was written by Sergei Mikhalkov, the music was composed by Alexandrov.
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Проект о США.
Having studied the texts about political leaders of the USA, its flag and symbol we drew the following conclusion:
1. First of all, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln played a great role in shaping American life and culture. George Washington led American army in many battles during the War for American Independence. The flag “Stars and Stripes” was designed by George Washington on Marcdiv0,1774 as colonial flag and was made from patchwork quilt by a patriotic lady called Betsy Ross. After the War G. Washington was elected to be the first American President.
2. Second, Thomas Jefferson, the third American President, wrote the famous Declaration of Independence on July4th, 1776 which was signed in Philadelphia in a building called Independence Hall in the state Pennsylvania. After that the first national flag was taken on June14th, 1777. Since that time June14th is Flag Day in the USA.
3.Third, the Americans chose the eagle to be a symbol of their country because it is a bird of strength and courage and was found all over North America.
4. And, at last, Abraham Lincoln, the 16th American President, was loved by Americans for his honesty, intelligence and humanity. His most outstanding achievement was the issue of Emancipation Proclamation, giving political freedom to three million blacks living in the South.
All these facts prove the struggle of American people for their independence and liberty and are connected with the political system of the country.
Проект о Британии.
Having looked through the historical references of Great Britain we summed up that Britain was always ruled by kings or queens. All of them influenced greatly the life in Britain.
The First king Alfred the Great was a kind man and did much that was good for his people. He wanted his people to have schools where they could learn to read and write.
The second Tudor king Henry VIII came to power after the Wars of Roses. The Red Rose ( the house of Lancaster) won the Civil War and the Red Rose became the symbol of England. The young King, handsome, gifted and athletic, did much for the glory of England. He paid much attention to religious questions, but being a true catholic, he broke away from the Catholic Church and set up his own church of England.
Finally we compared two women queens and found out that the reign of Elizabeth I was marked by effective use of Parliament. She used it to endorse (approve) her policies and to raise taxes. When she did not like the advice Parliament offered, she ended its sessions. Queen Elizabeth II, the queen of England nowadays, doesn’t have much power. She is a constitutional monarch, but her duties are entirely ceremonial. She signs bills, but doesn’t take part in decision making process.
And lastly, we drew the conclusion that all flags of Britain are the flags of the churches and their patron saints and their symbols are connected with different wars for independence.
Проект о России.
We chose the story about Peter the Great because he was one of the most outstanding rulers and reformers in Russian history. He carried western customs and habits to Russia, introduced western technology, changed military system, developed shipbuilding. It was he who established the white-blue and red flag on January 20, 1705. Due to him Russia was much more secure and progressive than it had been before his reign.
The flag, coat of arms and national anthem were established according to the constitution and symbolize generosity, frankness, honesty, faithfulness. courage and love.
Abraham Lincoln
The life story of the sixteenth president of the United States is famous, because it has become the typical story of American success. Abraham Lincoln was born in a log cabin to a poor family and grew up to become the President of the United States. He only attended school for a total of about one year. With the help of his stepmother, he taught himself how to read and write.
Abraham Lincoln is well-known and loved by Americans for his honesty, intelligence, and humanity.
When Lincoln was elected president in 1860, the question of slavery had become the most controversial national issue. Lincoln strongly opposed slavery. About six weeks after his inauguration, the American Civil War began. The Civil War was a war between the North and the South over the issue of slavery. In 1863, Lincoln is-sued the Emancipation Proclamation, giving political freedom to three million blacks living in the South. The Proclamation restored the anti-slavery clause which had been cut from the Declaration of Independence. Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth, a popular young actor, during a theater performance at Ford's Theater in Washington, D.C.
The Star-Spangled Banner
The National Anthem
Oh, say can you see,
by the dawn's early light, What so proudly we hail'd
at the twilight's last gleaming? Whose broad stripes and bright stars,
thro' the perilous fight, O'er the ramparts we watch'd
were so gallantly streaming? And the rockets' red glare,
the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof thro' the night
that our Flag was still there. Oh, say does that
Star-Spangled Banner yet wave, O'er the land of the free,
and home of the brave?
И в самых первых утренних лучах, И при последнем всполохе заката Ты видишь, что приветствуем мы гордо, Чьи полосы широкие и звезды Сквозь все препоны битвы и сраженья, Ты знаешь, путеводно нам светили? И нам разрывы вражеских снарядов Служили верным знаком среди ночи, Что флаг наш полосатый не опущен. Скажи мне, друг, по-прежнему ли реет Свободы звездно-полосатый вестник Над этой вольной храбрости купелью?
(Перевод М. Кауфман)
God save the Queen
God save our gracious Queen,Long live our noble Queen,God save the Queen:Send her victorious,Happy and glorious,Long to reign over us:God save the Queen.2O Lord, our God, arise,Scatter her enemies,And make them fall.Confound their politics,Frustrate their knavish tricks,On Thee our hopes we fix,God save us all.3Thy choicest gifts in store,On her be pleased to pour;Long may she reign:May she defend our laws,And ever give us causeTo sing with heart and voiceGod save the Queen.
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