Дата публикации:
Федорова Галина Анатольевна
Название работы:
Конспект урока в 11 классе "Британские Рождественские традиции. Рождественская речь монарха"
Конспект урока по теме Британские Рождественские традиции. Рождественская речь монарха. 11 класс
(Федорова Галина Анатольевна, учитель английского языка ГБОУ СОШ 311 города Санкт-Петербург)
Цели урока: развитие навыков чтения с заданиями в формате ЕГЭ на основе аутентичного текста, развитие умений монологического высказывания, ознакомление с историей возникновения традиции, расширение словарного запаса.
Оборудование: раздаточный материал (тексты, задания к тексту, список слов и выражений), компьютер, проектор, аудиозапись.
Ход урока:
Warming-up conversation.
Today we will read and speak about Christmas traditions in Great Britain. I’m sure you know a lot about them. What traditions are the most important for British people in your opinion? Look at the screen and put the traditions in the order of importance or significance. (on the screen): decorating Christmas tree Christmas cards Presents Monarchs speech Christmas pudding Words and word combinations. You will see if you are right or not when you read the text, but before reading look through the words. Find the correct Russian equivalents and pronounce them. ritualдавние традиции
to abdicate the throne
храбро, доблестно, отважно
to stammer
выступить по радио
отречься от трона
a strained voice
напряженный, неестественный голос
to make a broadcast
суровое испытание
longstanding customs
напыщенный, высокопарный
an ordeal
новомодный, модерновый
The students read the words and their translations.
Do you remember “Reading Strategy”? (revise it in the Student’s Book). You have 10 minutes to do the tasks. The text: WHY DOES THE QUEEN BROADCAST ON CHRISTMAS DAY? The speech had been written for him by no less an author than Rudyard Kipling and the wording made a made a great impact. I speak now, said the King, from my home and from my heart, to you all It was a huge success and the king agreed to repeat it the following December. He continued to make his Christmas broadcast each year until his death in 1936. The tradition would have then passed to his son .. , but before Christmas Day 1936 he had abdicated the throne. Reith was disappointed but would not give up. When the British Broadcasting Company expanded to become the British Broadcasting Corporation in 1927, and he became its first Director General, he risked another approach, but he was patient. He waited until the DDC had inaugurated its overseas Empire Service in 1932. Now he could offer the King a chance to reach his subjects all around the world. This was too tempting and Georg V finally agreed. When Georg VI died in 1952, his young daughter . was now faced with the ordeal. Her voice was strained and her delivery stilted, but she did her best with the unfamiliar task. In 1957 the Christmas speech was televised for the first time. She has repeated it each year since then and has become gradually more relaxed and comfortable with the medium. She has not, however, always been well served by her script-writers, who have frequently provided her with words that are more politically correct than they are heart-warming. With the help of more imaginative writing in the future, the royal broadcast will undoubtedly retain its role as a central ritual of the modern Christmas. The person responsible for starting this new ritual was the General Manager of the BBC, John Reith (later Lord Reith). He had run the BBC from its start in 1922 and he felt that the power of this medium should be used to create a moment of national unity, with the King speaking to the nation as if to a single family. The only truly modern Christmas ritual is listening to the monarchs broadcast on the BBC at 3 oclock in the afternoon on Christmas Day. This has now become as much a part of the midwinter festival as any of the ancient or longstanding traditional customs. In 1923 he put the idea to .. but the King refused. He no doubt felt that the wireless was too experimental and new-fangled to be used for sending a royal message. Nothing remotely like it had been attempted before, and the King was not renowned for his innovative spirit. The new king, was now faced with a nightmare. Since the age of 7 he had suffered from an acute stammer, and the idea of making a public broadcast must have filled him with dread. He struggled through his speeches so valiantly that the public felt a great warmth and sympathy for him. At 3.00 p.m. on the 25th of December 1932, the King sat down in front of 2 large, box-like microphones at Sandringham and the first royal broadcast was made. It was the first time the general public had heard their monarchs voice delivering a personal message, and the novelty attracted an enormous listening audience. The tasks; Choose the correct answer: 1. The only truly modern Christmas tradition is a) decorating a Christmas tree B) listening to the monarchs broadcast c) eating turkey 2. The idea of this ritual was suggested by a) Queen Victoria b) Winston Churchill c) John Reith 3. For the 1st time the ritual was held in a) 1932 b) 1950 c) 1923 Read the paragraphs quickly. Put the them in the right order and provide the missing names (and numbers) 1___ 2___ 3___ 4___ 5___ 6___ 7___ 8___ Comprehension check. Answer the questions: Why did John Reith insist on starting this new ritual? Why did George V refuse to take part in it? What made the King agree later? How many monarchs have taken part in the ritual? What will help the royal broadcast to retain its role in future? What do you think? Do you think the royal broadcast created a moment of national unity in the past? Do you believe it will be popular in future? Why? Listening. Listen to the Kings Christmas Speech (from the film about George VI) Why was it important for the King and for the British people? Homework: Imagine that you are a British Monarch. Write a short Christmas Speech addressing your people (about 70-80 words)
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(Федорова Галина Анатольевна, учитель английского языка ГБОУ СОШ 311 города Санкт-Петербург)
Цели урока: развитие навыков чтения с заданиями в формате ЕГЭ на основе аутентичного текста, развитие умений монологического высказывания, ознакомление с историей возникновения традиции, расширение словарного запаса.
Оборудование: раздаточный материал (тексты, задания к тексту, список слов и выражений), компьютер, проектор, аудиозапись.
Ход урока:
Warming-up conversation.
Today we will read and speak about Christmas traditions in Great Britain. I’m sure you know a lot about them. What traditions are the most important for British people in your opinion? Look at the screen and put the traditions in the order of importance or significance. (on the screen): decorating Christmas tree Christmas cards Presents Monarchs speech Christmas pudding Words and word combinations. You will see if you are right or not when you read the text, but before reading look through the words. Find the correct Russian equivalents and pronounce them. ritualдавние традиции
to abdicate the throne
храбро, доблестно, отважно
to stammer
выступить по радио
отречься от трона
a strained voice
напряженный, неестественный голос
to make a broadcast
суровое испытание
longstanding customs
напыщенный, высокопарный
an ordeal
новомодный, модерновый
The students read the words and their translations.
Do you remember “Reading Strategy”? (revise it in the Student’s Book). You have 10 minutes to do the tasks. The text: WHY DOES THE QUEEN BROADCAST ON CHRISTMAS DAY? The speech had been written for him by no less an author than Rudyard Kipling and the wording made a made a great impact. I speak now, said the King, from my home and from my heart, to you all It was a huge success and the king agreed to repeat it the following December. He continued to make his Christmas broadcast each year until his death in 1936. The tradition would have then passed to his son .. , but before Christmas Day 1936 he had abdicated the throne. Reith was disappointed but would not give up. When the British Broadcasting Company expanded to become the British Broadcasting Corporation in 1927, and he became its first Director General, he risked another approach, but he was patient. He waited until the DDC had inaugurated its overseas Empire Service in 1932. Now he could offer the King a chance to reach his subjects all around the world. This was too tempting and Georg V finally agreed. When Georg VI died in 1952, his young daughter . was now faced with the ordeal. Her voice was strained and her delivery stilted, but she did her best with the unfamiliar task. In 1957 the Christmas speech was televised for the first time. She has repeated it each year since then and has become gradually more relaxed and comfortable with the medium. She has not, however, always been well served by her script-writers, who have frequently provided her with words that are more politically correct than they are heart-warming. With the help of more imaginative writing in the future, the royal broadcast will undoubtedly retain its role as a central ritual of the modern Christmas. The person responsible for starting this new ritual was the General Manager of the BBC, John Reith (later Lord Reith). He had run the BBC from its start in 1922 and he felt that the power of this medium should be used to create a moment of national unity, with the King speaking to the nation as if to a single family. The only truly modern Christmas ritual is listening to the monarchs broadcast on the BBC at 3 oclock in the afternoon on Christmas Day. This has now become as much a part of the midwinter festival as any of the ancient or longstanding traditional customs. In 1923 he put the idea to .. but the King refused. He no doubt felt that the wireless was too experimental and new-fangled to be used for sending a royal message. Nothing remotely like it had been attempted before, and the King was not renowned for his innovative spirit. The new king, was now faced with a nightmare. Since the age of 7 he had suffered from an acute stammer, and the idea of making a public broadcast must have filled him with dread. He struggled through his speeches so valiantly that the public felt a great warmth and sympathy for him. At 3.00 p.m. on the 25th of December 1932, the King sat down in front of 2 large, box-like microphones at Sandringham and the first royal broadcast was made. It was the first time the general public had heard their monarchs voice delivering a personal message, and the novelty attracted an enormous listening audience. The tasks; Choose the correct answer: 1. The only truly modern Christmas tradition is a) decorating a Christmas tree B) listening to the monarchs broadcast c) eating turkey 2. The idea of this ritual was suggested by a) Queen Victoria b) Winston Churchill c) John Reith 3. For the 1st time the ritual was held in a) 1932 b) 1950 c) 1923 Read the paragraphs quickly. Put the them in the right order and provide the missing names (and numbers) 1___ 2___ 3___ 4___ 5___ 6___ 7___ 8___ Comprehension check. Answer the questions: Why did John Reith insist on starting this new ritual? Why did George V refuse to take part in it? What made the King agree later? How many monarchs have taken part in the ritual? What will help the royal broadcast to retain its role in future? What do you think? Do you think the royal broadcast created a moment of national unity in the past? Do you believe it will be popular in future? Why? Listening. Listen to the Kings Christmas Speech (from the film about George VI) Why was it important for the King and for the British people? Homework: Imagine that you are a British Monarch. Write a short Christmas Speech addressing your people (about 70-80 words)
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