Дата публикации:
Гильмитдинова Елена Максимовна
Название работы:
Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия "My Native Land"
Good afternoon dear boys and girls. Good afternoon dear teachers. Today we have an unusual performance. It is called My native Land. You will listen to some information about our Yanaul region, our famous Yanaul persons. Lets start.
Student 1: We live in the biggest country
All: In Russia
Student 2: We live in the most beautiful republic
All: In Bashkortostan
Student 3: We live in the Northern region
All: In Yanaul region
Student 4: Our motherland is
All: Susadu-Ebalak
Student 5: My native land with steppes and highlands
The river Bui flows through
I love your fields with crops in lowlands
Your wealth and prosperity will be true.
Student 6: My native land and people living here,
We help each other feeling hearts with pride
Your helping hand we′d like to feel and hear
The streams of hope running deep and wide.
Student 1: My native land, my dearest Motherland
Whereever I’d be, whatever I’d do
Your spirit of love, your all best traditions
I’ll keep in my heart and carry them through.
Учащиеся уходят. Звучит музыка, выходят ведущие
1: Good afternoon, dear guests. Welcome to Susadu-Ebalak.
2. Good afternoon, dear teachers. We are glad to see you.
1. In 2020 we will celebrate the 90th anniversary of our region. 2. Our Yanaul region is a wonderful place with beautiful forests, highlands and meadows. 1. It is a place, which famous Bashkir poet-Mustai Karim called The northern gate of Bashkortostan. Student 7: The Yanaul region was formed in 1930. In the north, it borders on The Perm District, in the west on Udmurtia and Krasnokamsky, Buraev, Tatushly regions. Student 8: The total area is over 100 square km. There are 104 villages in it. Student 9: The center of our region is Yanaul. Yanaul became a city on the 20 th of June in 1991.
Student 10: We have our own flag and anthem. Our flag is green. There is a white horse in the middle and four crops on the corners.
2. And now student 1 will recite the Russian poem about Yanaul. Let′s listen to her together.
Где б я ни была вдалеке
Только в сердце всегда -Янаул.
Знаю: небо грустит обо мне,
Да и я грущу по нему.
Не забыть мне дороги домой…
Я твой, Янаул, только твой
Отдаю тебе сердце тепло,
И душа моя вечно с тобой.
От житейских тревог и волнений
К тебе я спешу, мой край.
Быть дочерью твоей, без сомненья,
Это счастье, ты так и знай.
Пусть запомнят навек, молодые:
Янаул -наших предков земля!
И пусть песни мои отныне
О тебе, Янаул, лишь звенят!
1. Dear guests, you know our Yanaul region is a cultural one. There is a writer′s organization, a municipal TV and a folk tatar theatre. Our place is famous for singers, poets and writers
2. Now I offer you to guess some riddles. I read some biography facts and your task is to guess who it is. Is it clear? Questions 1. She is a famous poet. She was born in Isanbai on 9 the of November in 1948. She writes Bashkir and Russian poems. They are about nature, love and life. In spite of her illness, she makes people happy. Famous singers sing songs on her poems. Who is she? (Kausaria Shafikova). You are quite right. 2. The pupil of the 9 form will present the poem of Kausaria Shafikova Стихотворение Каусарии Шафиковой
2. Next person is a famous opera singer. He was born in 1956 in Yanaul. He studied in School 3. He was a director in Bashkir state opera and ballet theatre. He was died but we are proud of him. School № 3 in Yanaul was named after his name. Who is he? (Radik Gareev). You are quite right. Let′s listen to his wonderful singing.
Просмотр видеофрагмента, где Радик Гареев исполняет песню
1. This person was born in Susadu-Ebalak. He is a writer, a philosopher. He is the first Mari scientist. He wrote the first book for our nation. You have visited museum named after him. Who is it? (Valeriyan Vasiliev). You are quite right. Thank you for work.
Просмотр презентации о музее В.М.Васильева в с.Сусады-Эбалак
1. We cannot forget about Great Patriotic War. On the 22 of June in 1941 the terrible war began. Over 27 million people were died in that war.
2 . Almost each family lost relatives in it. They were not politicians, they were not thinking about anything except protecting their Motherland- Russia.
1. In 2015 we celebrated the 70th anniversary of our victory in this war. But it is a holiday with tears in the eyes.
2. Girls will sing song about the war
Художественный номер. Песня О той войне
2. We have three Heroes of USSR. They are Gainan Khaidarshin (Гайнан Хайдаршин), Victor Loskutov (Виктор Лоскутов) and Magsum Imamutdinov (Магсум Имамутдинов).
1. We must remember those soldiers, those brave people, who stood up till death for their homes.
2 . We must keep their memory carefully and appreciate everything they did for us.
Художественный номер. Танец Катюша
1 . Our Yanaul Region is a multinational one. 36 different nations live in it such as the Bashkirs, the Tatars, the Udmurts, the Russians and the Mari.
2. We present the Mari nation.
1. Let′s watch our traditional dance
Народный марийский танец.
1. My native land, my nearest Motherland
I’d like to tell you “I love you”,
Your fields of crops, your sunny meadows
Your all year round flowers too.
2. You know we are different, our values and opinions are different. But we should be tolerant to each other, we should live in peace. Whatever we do, wherever we live we must remember that we are…
All: the Russians.
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The streams of hope running deep and wide.
Student 1: My native land, my dearest Motherland
Whereever I’d be, whatever I’d do
Your spirit of love, your all best traditions
I’ll keep in my heart and carry them through.
Учащиеся уходят. Звучит музыка, выходят ведущие
1: Good afternoon, dear guests. Welcome to Susadu-Ebalak.
2. Good afternoon, dear teachers. We are glad to see you.
1. In 2020 we will celebrate the 90th anniversary of our region. 2. Our Yanaul region is a wonderful place with beautiful forests, highlands and meadows. 1. It is a place, which famous Bashkir poet-Mustai Karim called The northern gate of Bashkortostan. Student 7: The Yanaul region was formed in 1930. In the north, it borders on The Perm District, in the west on Udmurtia and Krasnokamsky, Buraev, Tatushly regions. Student 8: The total area is over 100 square km. There are 104 villages in it. Student 9: The center of our region is Yanaul. Yanaul became a city on the 20 th of June in 1991.
Student 10: We have our own flag and anthem. Our flag is green. There is a white horse in the middle and four crops on the corners.
2. And now student 1 will recite the Russian poem about Yanaul. Let′s listen to her together.
Где б я ни была вдалеке
Только в сердце всегда -Янаул.
Знаю: небо грустит обо мне,
Да и я грущу по нему.
Не забыть мне дороги домой…
Я твой, Янаул, только твой
Отдаю тебе сердце тепло,
И душа моя вечно с тобой.
От житейских тревог и волнений
К тебе я спешу, мой край.
Быть дочерью твоей, без сомненья,
Это счастье, ты так и знай.
Пусть запомнят навек, молодые:
Янаул -наших предков земля!
И пусть песни мои отныне
О тебе, Янаул, лишь звенят!
1. Dear guests, you know our Yanaul region is a cultural one. There is a writer′s organization, a municipal TV and a folk tatar theatre. Our place is famous for singers, poets and writers
2. Now I offer you to guess some riddles. I read some biography facts and your task is to guess who it is. Is it clear? Questions 1. She is a famous poet. She was born in Isanbai on 9 the of November in 1948. She writes Bashkir and Russian poems. They are about nature, love and life. In spite of her illness, she makes people happy. Famous singers sing songs on her poems. Who is she? (Kausaria Shafikova). You are quite right. 2. The pupil of the 9 form will present the poem of Kausaria Shafikova Стихотворение Каусарии Шафиковой
2. Next person is a famous opera singer. He was born in 1956 in Yanaul. He studied in School 3. He was a director in Bashkir state opera and ballet theatre. He was died but we are proud of him. School № 3 in Yanaul was named after his name. Who is he? (Radik Gareev). You are quite right. Let′s listen to his wonderful singing.
Просмотр видеофрагмента, где Радик Гареев исполняет песню
1. This person was born in Susadu-Ebalak. He is a writer, a philosopher. He is the first Mari scientist. He wrote the first book for our nation. You have visited museum named after him. Who is it? (Valeriyan Vasiliev). You are quite right. Thank you for work.
Просмотр презентации о музее В.М.Васильева в с.Сусады-Эбалак
1. We cannot forget about Great Patriotic War. On the 22 of June in 1941 the terrible war began. Over 27 million people were died in that war.
2 . Almost each family lost relatives in it. They were not politicians, they were not thinking about anything except protecting their Motherland- Russia.
1. In 2015 we celebrated the 70th anniversary of our victory in this war. But it is a holiday with tears in the eyes.
2. Girls will sing song about the war
Художественный номер. Песня О той войне
2. We have three Heroes of USSR. They are Gainan Khaidarshin (Гайнан Хайдаршин), Victor Loskutov (Виктор Лоскутов) and Magsum Imamutdinov (Магсум Имамутдинов).
1. We must remember those soldiers, those brave people, who stood up till death for their homes.
2 . We must keep their memory carefully and appreciate everything they did for us.
Художественный номер. Танец Катюша
1 . Our Yanaul Region is a multinational one. 36 different nations live in it such as the Bashkirs, the Tatars, the Udmurts, the Russians and the Mari.
2. We present the Mari nation.
1. Let′s watch our traditional dance
Народный марийский танец.
1. My native land, my nearest Motherland
I’d like to tell you “I love you”,
Your fields of crops, your sunny meadows
Your all year round flowers too.
2. You know we are different, our values and opinions are different. But we should be tolerant to each other, we should live in peace. Whatever we do, wherever we live we must remember that we are…
All: the Russians.
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