Pavlenko Dmitriy
Chemistry teacher
State Institution «Burevestnek secondary school»
Education department of Naurzum district
Ключевые слова: Автоматическое усвоение, обучение базовым навыкам общения, трех языковое.
Keywords: Automatic development, training basic communication skills, three languages.
Аннотация: Статья знакомит читателя с различными коммуникативными методами и приемами, хорошо зарекомендовавшими себя на практике, по пути решения проблемы внедрения преподавания химии на трех языках.
Annotation: The article introduces the reader to various communication methods and techniques well proven in practice, on the way to solving the problem of in traducing chemistry teaching in three languages.
Methods of teaching modern lesson in terms of updating the content of education, subject chemistry includes the introduction of the subject in English. This article has an overview of the introduction of the teaching of chemistry in English in State Institution “Burevestnik school”. In the frame work of updating the subject after passing, the relevant courses, in the current academic year, I used various methods of introducing languages at different stages of the lesson and extracurricular activities. Consider in detail a few examples regarding the introduction at the stages of the lesson. Beginning of the lesson organization moment which includes a greeting for example “Hello, Good afternoon, Hi …”, voice of the date and day of the week for example “It’s 9th May , It’s Friday …”. Small training a question about mood “What color is your mood today?” and things like that. Farewell at the end of the lesson for example “Good bay, Bay, See you next time …”. I consider this technique to be the most accessible for both students and teachers. Widespread use will lead to the automatic development of basic communication skills in three languages. Homework check (reflex ion), use of the following elements lesson: color questions on the subject, unfinished sentences “complete the text with the words”, words without letters “complete the word the letters”, ‘’rearrange the words to make sentences’’ , ‘’correct one mistake in the sentence’’, answers the questions ‘’what is in the photo?’’, ‘’how many hydrogen atoms in a sulfuric acid molecule?’’. I consider this technique available to most teachers. Regular use from the lesson the lesson will lead to the automatic mastering of the skills of quick understanding of various tasks in three languages. Course of the lesson or the main part, of the modern gradation. All the actions in the classroom are suggested for students to speak English ‘’write the data\lesson, open your books\notebooks, page number, read the text, complete the table, look at the scheme\diagram’’, active use of an account for example, molecular weight calculations in English ‘’molecular mass sulphur iron = atomic mass iron + atomic mass sulphur = fifty-six + thirty-two = eighty-eight’’. Be sure to spend a minute in sport in English ‘’Stand up please! Move your fingers, arms, shoulders, legs! Sid down please!’’. The main terms on the topic are available in three languages ‘’Сутегi\ Водород\ Hydrogen, мыс\ медь\cupper, оттегi\кислород\oxygen and the like’’. Practical work includes its own specific vocabulary which depends on the topic of the lesson, for example ‘’make\prepare a solution, watch the burning, laboratory experience and the like’’. This technique can be attributed to the available for most teachers, taking into account the specifics of the subjects. Regular use and alternation in the classroom will lead to the automatic acquisition of skills quick understanding of the use of knowledge of three languages. Summarizing lesson mandatory use of evaluation phrases, for example ‘’fine: excellent\well done\great job, good: need to try\good job\learn the rules, satisfactorily: do not be lazy\focus\do extra, badly: more attentively\do your homework\do not write off’’ such phrases help to comment on the student’s individual work. It’s desirable to have a text transcript of the phrases with the translation printed in a place accessible to students. Writing home work on a blackboard, in two or three languages ‘’Paragraph, picture, table, exercises and pages’’. The widespread use of these techniques in most classes will lead to the successful development of basic communication skills in three languages. All this should be implemented in a reasonable framework, not to the detriment of any of the three languages. Good proficiency in at least three languages is our goal. The introduction of language learning in the study of natural sciences should lead to an increase in hours devoted to the study of these sciences. It’s necessary to increase the number of hours for studying subjects of chemistry, biology and other subjects of natural sciences. In the article I describe the methods of work mainly using English as they teach chemistry. The techniques given by me can be used with the Kazakh language and sometimes use languages in tandem. Much depends on the level of training of students and the level of the teacher’s determination to use the new. The main purpose of implementation work in three languages remains ‘’Development of mind flexibility the ability to think in different languages and quickly switch…’’. Start today to take these small steps and let you warm little victories on the way to a big target.
1.John Mills & Peter Evans ,Core Chemistry / CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS, 2017 – p.74
2.Jenny Dooley & Virginia Evans , Activity Book Smiles1, Express Publishing, 2016 – p.17
3.Lindsay Clandfield & Adrian Tennant , Straightforward Beginner Student’s Book (second edition), MACMILLAN, 2017 – p.57
4.Lindsay Clandfield , Straightforward Elementary Student’s Book (second edition), Macmillan Education, 2017 – p.17
5.Personal thoughts and ideas from work experience…
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