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"Gorodishche is my home town" . Работа №2996

Название работы:
"Gorodishche is my home town"

Alexandra Semenenko

Gorodishche is my home town

Gorodishche is situated in the interfluve of the Volga and the Don. You know, I always compare Gorodishche with London. Of course, it’s a joke, but London consists of three parts: the City of London, the West End and the East End, similarly in Gorodishche we also have 3 parts which are called the Center, the Razgulyaevka and the Novostroika.

Gorodishche is a very green, clean and cozy town. Almost every street is planted and people do everything to make their home town neat and comfortable to live in. In spring you can see lots of people who tidy up all the things after the winter, dig patches and make utterly amazing flowerbeds.

In the center of Gorodishche there is a long avenue with branches, beautiful trees, bushes, flowerbeds and the main petunia flowerbed that stretches along the whole avenue. Our Gorodishche is called “The petunia town” because of this enchanting flowerbed.

Gorodishche is one of the towns that played a decisive role in the Battle of Stalingrad. Many historical monuments and memorials that remind us about the heroic deeds are built in our town to glorify bravery and staunchness of the soldiers.

This monument is established for the honor of the soldiers who fought in the battles in Afganistan.

“The Kaska” is placed to remember about the fierce fighting that was ranging on the Gorodishche lands.

“The Zenitka reveals the bravery of the Russian women who heroically waged bloody fightings on equal terms with men.

This memorial is a striking example of the Russian soldiers’ staunchness.

This monument is an embodiment of all the wives, daughters, sisters who were waiting for their husbands, fathers and brothers who were protecting our Motherland. This memorial of the girl is situated on “the Soldiers field” that is established to commemorate the exploits of the town defenders.

And in conclusion I want to tell you about the church that is situated in the center of Gorodishche. It is one of the most beautiful places in my town both inside and outside. It was built in the 19th century. It is very interesting that in 1942 this church was a German hospital for fascists and around it many German soldiers were buried. After the war the church was ruined and reconstruction started only in the end of 80’s.

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