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Владимирская область во время Великой Отечественной Войны. Работа №46265

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Название работы:
Владимирская область во время Великой Отечественной Войны

Автор: Сергеева Наталья Алексеевна

учитель английского языка

МБОУ СОШ № 1 г.Александрова

Краткая аннотация


Данная работа предназначена для учащихся 7-8 классов. Текст содержит информацию о жизни наших земляков во время Великой Отечественной Войны, поэтому он имеет не только информативный характер, но и воспитательный.

Предтекстовые задания стимулируют интерес к чтению текста, направлены на снятие лексических затруднений при работе с ним.

Текстовое задание позволяет понять основное содержание текста.

Послетекстовые задания развивают логическое мышление, учат анализировать информацию, помогают запомнить новые слова и, в итоге, являются основой для развития устой речи.





We live in the world of fakes. The most terrible thing is that

they often distort

the historical truth.

Before reading the text, p

lease, answer the following questions:


Is t

he information war going on? If so, where and against what country

(or countries)

is it going on? Why?

What country won in the Great Patriotic War?

Do you think people must not forget about this war? What should they remember and why?

What do you know about



of our countrymen

to the victory?


Match the words to know their translation.


Part 1

1 The military registration and enlistment offices


a оборонительные сооружения


2 draftee


b военкомат

3 captivity


с народное ополчение


4 the full knight of the Order of Glory


d плен

6 defensive constructions


f собирали урожай

7 harvested the crops


g полный кавалер ордена Славы


Part 2

1 wounded

a пехотное училище

2 The Infantry School

b швейный

3 motorized rifle brigades

c кавалерийская дивизия

4 a cavalry division

d раненый

5 a regiment

e мотострелковые бригады

6 sewing

f полк

7 triplex glass for our planes, aircraft cannons,

submachine guns, machine guns

g триплекс-стекло для самолетов, авиационные пушки, пистолеты- пулеметы и станковые пулеметы


Part 3

1 labour competitions were


a таран

2 the armoured train

b боевой вылет

3 the combat mission

c посмертно

4 in stock


d возродили трудовые



5 ram


e механизированная колонна

вражеской техники

6 the mechanized column

of the enemy machinery

f бронепоезд


7 posthumously

g в наличии


Part 4

1 collective and state farms

a оболочки для гранат,

монтажные инструменты:

ключи, отвертки


2 construction sites

b узкоколейная дорога

3 shells for grenades, assembly tools such as keys, screwdrivers

c стройки


4 to extract peat manually

d колхозы и совхозы

5 the narrow gauge railway


e добывать торф ручным




Part 5

1 orphans


a помещены в тюрьму

за военные преступления

2 besieged Leningrad

b расформированы

3 was disbanded

c мужество, сила духа и вера

4 imprisoned for the

military crime

d сироты

5 courage, fortitude and faith

e блокадный Ленинград


While reading


Find the part of the text to every picture.


Picture 1


Picture 2


Picture 3


Picture 4



Picture 5


Picture 6


Picture 7


Picture 8





Picture 9


Picture 10






Picture 11

Picture 12


The Vladimir Region during the Great Patriotic War

The Great Patriotic War... Just three words, but they mean the most terrible war that lasted for 1418 days. It is hard to put into words what horror our people felt. 71 170 000 deaths, thousands of villages razed to the ground, hundreds of destroyed towns and cities... Nazi Germany is to blame. The humanity has never faced such cruelty.

The news of the beginning of the war struck everyone. The military registration and enlistment offices were crowded with not only draftees, but volunteers too. All of them were eager to defend our motherland. About 300 000 soldiers of the Vladimir Region took part in the war. More than 134 000 of them did not return. They died in battles, were missing or died in captivity. More than 100 veterans are the heroes of the Soviet Union and 20 veterans are the full knights of the Order of Glory.

The Vladimir Region was established on the 14th of August in 1944. Before that time it had been the part of the Ivanovo Region. The population of Vladimir was 60 000 people and almost 25 000 of them went to the front. More than 3 000 participated in the people’s army.

There were 18 hospitals in Vladimir on the first days of the war. In 1941 250 000 wounded soldiers got help there. In the autumn about 200 000 people built defensive constructions. The rest of the citizens harvested the crops. The Vladimir Infantry School was stationed there. Its first 500 graduates took part in the defense of Moscow in the autumn of 1941.

A lot of military units were formed and taught in the Vladimir Region mostly in 1941 – 1942 when the front line was nearby. 14 divisions including 10 rifle, three cavalry and one airborne were among these units in our region. Besides, six tank and two motorized rifle brigades, one artillery and two rifle regiments fought against the fascists. Not only our countrymen were among them.

Before the war 20 plants worked in Vladimir. They were generally metalworking, chemical, sewing and food processing. In a short time our industry was turned into a military one. The famous Glass Factory in Gus-Khrustalny produced triplex glass for our planes, aircraft cannons, submachine guns, machine guns.

During the war labour competitions were resumed, the workers produced much more than they were to produce. To produce more technical innovations were implemented; the shortage of raw material or spare parts was replaced by what there was in stock. The Vladimir Region supplied agricultural products to the front, though there was hunger in the region.

In 1941 the workers of the Murom Railway Depot built the armoured train “Ilya Muromets” on their own initiative. It was used in several battles, in the liberation of Warsaw and it even reached Germany. In 1942 the workers of the Vladimir Railway Depot built the armoured train “Felix Dzerzhinsky”.

The “voice” of the Soviet Informbiro was Yuri Levitan, the native of the Vladimir Region. It was he who read aloud the military reports and the orders of Stalin. Nikolay Gastello, the famous pilot, lived and studied in Murom. He died during the combat mission on the 26th of June in 1941. Despite the fact that his plane was shot he rammed the mechanized column of the enemy machinery. He was awarded the rank of the Hero of the Soviet Union posthumously. In total more than 240 citizens of our region were awarded the Hero of the Soviet Union.

In 2011 Kovrov was awarded as “The City of the Military Glory”. In 1943 the engineer Vasily Degtyaryov invented the anti-tank rifle, and in 1944 – a new model of the light machine gun. Besides, aircraft cannons, submachine guns, machine guns were produced in this city.

The war demanded more and more: our men were leaving for the front, our factories and plants went on manufacturing products. Even students of colleges and schools (6 – 10 forms) worked in collective and state farms.

The school holidays in the Aviation Technical School were cancelled. The students worked on the construction sites. During the war they made shells for grenades, assembly tools such as keys, screwdrivers for planes. When the fascists were driven away from Moscow, a lot of military machinery was left in the battlefields. The students went to Stupino (the town near Moscow) to repair the military machinery. They helped to provide factories, plants and houses with fuel. The students went to Andreevo and Dolgaya Yama to extract peat. The peat was extracted manually. Besides, the students helped to build the narrow gauge railway from Dolgaya Luzha to Kommunar.
The School had a 30 hectare farm. The students worked there from early spring till late autumn. They sometimes had to pick up potatoes form under the snow. Their work practice was organized in the aviation plants. They worked together with the workers making different engine parts.

There were military hospitals in Alexandrov and Karabanovo during the war. To save people’s lives 290 donors donated 200 liters of blood.

The young people of the district made presents for the partisans and raised 38 258 roubles for the orphans. The citizens took a lively interest in the fate of the children evacuated from besieged Leningrad. A lot of orphans found a new family in Alexandrov. The locals shared their last piece of bread with Leningraders. Nowadays 9 Leningraders live in Alexandrov. They found their new motherland here.

In spite of the fact that the territory of the Vladimir Region was situated close to the frontline there were no bloody battles or occupation. Three prison camps and one hospital were organized in the region from 1943 to 1949. The prison camp in Vladimir consisted of 34 parts. 30 000 prisoners stayed there. The officer filtration camp was organized in Suzdal. The prisoners from Italy, Germany, Romania, Hungary and Spain stayed there. They lived comfortably and led cultural life. The camp was disbanded in 1946. By 1949 the prisoners had been sent back to their countries. But some of them were imprisoned for the military crime.

During the war our countrymen worked at the limit of their strength. Moreover, they sent money, clothes, household items to the Kaliningrad, Smolensk, Novgorod and Stalingrad regions. Despite all the difficulties the Soviet people won with their courage, fortitude and faith.


After reading


Fill in the table.



Their contribution


the 500 graduates of the Vladimir Infantry School

took part in the defense of Moscow in the autumn of 1941



Work in pairs and then be ready to act out a dialogue. Use the table above as a plan. Imagine that you and your classmate are working on the project “The Vladimir Region during the Great Patriotic War”. Role play the discussion of choosing the necessary information.



The keys

Before reading Task 2

Part 1: 1b, 2e, 3d, 4g, 5c, 6a, 7f

Part 2: 1d, 2a, 3e, 4c, 5f, 6b, 7g

Part 3: 1d, 2f, 3b, 4g, 5a, 6e, 7c

Part 4: 1d, 2c, 3a, 4e, 5b

Part 5: 1d, 2e, 3b, 4a, 5c

While reading

Picture 1

The Vladimir Infantry School was stationed there.

Picture 2

There were 18 hospitals in Vladimir on the first days of the war. In 1941 250 000 wounded soldiers got help there.

Picture 3

In a short time our industry was turned into a military one. The famous Glass Factory in Gus-Khrustalny produced triplex glass for our planes, aircraft cannons, submachine guns, machine guns.

Picture 4

In 1941 the workers of the Murom Railway Depot built the armoured train “Ilya Muromets” on their own initiative. It was used in several battles, in the liberation of Warsaw and it even reached Germany.

Picture 5

In 1942 the workers of the Vladimir Railway Depot built the armoured train “Felix Dzerzhinsky”.

Picture 6

The “voice” of the Soviet Informbiro was Yuri Levitan, the native of the Vladimir Region. It was he who read aloud the military reports and the orders of Stalin.

Picture 7

The war demanded more and more: our men were leaving for the front

Picture 8

In 2011 Kovrov was awarded as “The City of the Military Glory”. In 1943 the engineer Vasily Degtyaryov invented the anti-tank rifle, and in 1944 – a new model of the light machine gun. Besides, aircraft cannons, submachine guns, machine guns were produced in this city.

Picture 9

The school holidays in the Aviation Technical School were cancelled. The students worked on the construction sites. During the war they made shells for grenades, assembly tools such as keys, screwdrivers for planes.

Picture 10

A lot of military units were formed and taught in the Vladimir Region mostly in 1941 – 1942 when the front line was nearby. 14 divisions including 10 rifle, three cavalry and one airborne were among these units in our region.

Picture 11

The prison camp in Vladimir consisted of 34 parts. 30 000 prisoners stayed there. The officer filtration camp was organized in Suzdal. The prisoners from Italy, Germany, Romania, Hungary and Spain stayed there. They lived comfortably and led cultural life.

Picture 12

Moreover, they sent money, clothes, household items to the Kaliningrad, Smolensk, Novgorod and Stalingrad regions.


After reading Task 1


Their contribution

not only draftees, but volunteers too

were eager to defend our motherland

about 300 000 soldiers of the Vladimir Region

took part in the war

more than 3 000 of the citizens of Vladimir

participated in the people’s army

doctors, nurses and volunteers

In 1941 250 000 wounded soldiers got help in hospitals

about 200 000 people

built defensive constructions

the rest of the citizens

harvested the crops

the 500 graduates of the Vladimir Infantry School

took part in the defense of Moscow in the autumn of 1941

14 divisions including 10 rifle, three cavalry and one airborne, six tank and two motorized rifle brigades, one artillery and two rifle regiments

fought against the fascists

20 plants

our industry was turned into a military one

The famous Glass Factory in Gus-Khrustalny

produced triplex glass for our planes, aircraft cannons, submachine guns, machine guns

the workers

produced much more than they were to produce

the Vladimir Region

supplied agricultural products to the front

the workers of the Murom Railway Depot

built the armoured train “Ilya Muromets” on their own initiative, it was used in several battles, in the liberation of Warsaw and it even reached Germany

the workers of the Vladimir Railway Depot

built the armoured train “Felix Dzerzhinsky”

Yuri Levitan

read aloud the military reports and the orders of Stalin

Nikolay Gastello

despite the fact that his plane was shot he rammed the mechanized column of the enemy machinery

the citizens of Kovrov

aircraft cannons, submachine guns, machine guns were produced

Vasily Degtyaryov

invented the anti-tank rifle, and a new model of the light machine gun

students of colleges and schools (6 – 10 forms)

worked in collective and state farms

the students of the Aviation Technical School

worked on the construction sites, made shells for grenades, assembly tools such as keys, screwdrivers for planes, repaired the military machinery, went to Andreevo and Dolgaya Yama to extract peat, helped to build the narrow gauge railway from Dolgaya Luzha to Kommunar, picked up potatoes form under the snow, worked together with the workers making different engine parts

290 donors

donated 200 liters of blood

the young people of the Alexandrov district

made presents for the partisans and raised 38 258 roubles for the orphans

the locals

shared their last piece of bread with Leningraders

our countrymen

sent money, clothes, household items to the Kaliningrad, Smolensk, Novgorod and Stalingrad regions



Список использованной литературы

1. Соколов А.К., Тяжельникова В.С. Курс советской истории. 1941-1991: Учеб. пособие/Под. ред. А.К. Соколова. - М.: Высш. шк., 1999. - 414 с.

2. История Владимирского края: Учеб. пособие для старших классов школ Владимирской области / Под. ред. Д.И. Копылова. — Владимир: ООО “Дюна”, 2001. — 391 с.: ил.

3. Интересное о крае: Люди, история, жизнь, природа земли Владимирской. — Ярославль:Верх.-Волж. кн. изд-во, 1973. — 376 с.: ил.

4. Этапы большого пути: [История развития промышленности области] / А.А. Зенкович, М.Г. Лапуста, Р.К. Магазин, В.И. Смирнов. — Ярославль: Верх.-Волж. кн. изд-во, 1978. — 319 с.






































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