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Речеваая зарядка на уроке английского языка. Работа №5285

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Речеваая зарядка на уроке английского языка
Речевая зарядка на уроке английского языка
Одним из обязательных этапов урока английского языка является речевая зарядка. Я использую ее на уроках вместо формального организационного момента. Регулярное проведение речевой зарядки помогает повторять изученные лексические единицы и грамматические структуры, развивать у обучающихся устную речь. Чтобы ответить на мое задание речевой зарядки, учащимся приходится задействовать долговременную память, а иногда заглянуть в переводчик в телефоне.
Выбор содержания и формы речевой зарядки зависит от уровня владения языком в группе и должен быть связан с основными задачами урока. Начав с мотивирующей речевой зарядки по теме в начале урока, мы можем сделать логический переход к основному обучающему этапу.
У каждого из учителей имеется своя копилка речевых зарядок. Я хочу представить вам свой набор речевых зарядок, который был накоплен мной в течение нескольких лет.
1. What-If Questions
If you could have lunch with anyone in the world, who would you choose?
If money was no problem, where would you like to travel on holiday? If you could address the whole world, what would you say? Would you rather be a big fish in a small pond or a small fish in a big pond? What would you do if a genie gave you three wishes? What would you do differently if there were 30 hours in a day? Would you like to live in America? Would you like to live in Japan? Would you like to travel in space? If an alien came to Earth, where would you show it around? 2. Motivational Which person in your life has motivated you the most? Who do you admire the most? What is your definition of happiness? Name three things that make you happy. What are your strengths? Think up three ways to spice up your life and share them with your partner. What is your favorite saying? 3. Superlatives and Comparatives What is the funniest thing you have ever seen? Who is the rudest person you have ever met? Who was the best teacher that you have ever had? Do you think life was better or worse in the past? Do you think that computers will be smarter than humans one day? Who do you think is the greatest person in history? What is the greatest problem facing the world today? Are men better than women in any way? 4. Likes and Dislikes What is your dream job? Tell your partner about your dream car. What phobias do you have? What is your favorite song? What is the best modern invention? Which is more important: love, money or health? Describe your ideal partner. Are you a pet lover? Would you like to be a celebrity? Who is your favorite celebrity? What is your favorite time of the day? Are you a romantic person? What gets you really angry? Tell your partner about your dream house. 5. Social Issues and Opinions Do you think life is too fast-paced today? Are you an optimist or a pessimist? How has the Internet changed our lives? Do you agree that money is the root of all evil? What is the biggest threat to the environment in your country? What can we do to help the environment? Are you afraid of ghosts? Do you believe in the supernatural? Do you think people are basically cruel or kind? Do you believe that war is ever justified? Do you believe in the use of capital punishment? Is there justice in the world? Why do so many people stay single these days? What problems do celebrities face? Do you think smoking should be totally banned? Why do you think people smoke? Why do you think people gamble? In what cases is divorce justified? Is there ever an excuse for crime? Why do you think people carry out acts of terrorism? What stories have been in the news recently? Would you marry someone from another culture? Are you knowledgeable about other cultures? 6. Health and Fitness Do you consider yourself to be healthy? How often do you exercise? Are you scared of going to the doctor? How long would you like to live to? Name some healthy foods and some unhealthy foods. 7. All about you What is your name? How oldareyou? Whereareyoufrom? What do you do? Do youstudyorwork?GiveDetails Where do youlive? Who do youlivewith? Where&Whenwereyouborn? Haveyougotanybrotherorsister? How oldarethey? Whataretheirnames? What do yourfatherandmother do? How oldareyourfather&mother ? How do yougotoschool? How longdoes it taketocomeourschoolfromyourhouse? What do youthink of football, goingtocinema, Rihanna, Harry Potter? Whatarethere in ourcity,town, country? Can youdescribeourclassroom? What time is it now? What time was it onehourago? Whatareyougoingto do on Sunday? Whatdidyou do yesterdayevening? What time didyouwakeupyesterday? What do youusuallyhaveforbreakfast? What time didyouhave diner andwhatdidyouhaveyesterday? Whatareyourfutureplans? Whatareyougoingto do for ten yearsfromnow ? What do you do in yourfree time? Whatkind of music/ films do youlike? Whatwasthelast film/ tvshowyouwatched? How often do yougoshopping ?what do you buy? Describeyourself.How is yourcharacter? Whatareyourabilities? What can you do? When is ourindependenceday? Whatwasthedatetwodaysago? How do youfeelrightnow? 8. Happiness   EMBED PBrush  EMBED PBrush 
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