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Тема «Расизм» 9 класс . Работа №76446

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Тема «Расизм» 9 класс

Тема «Расизм» 9 класс

учитель английского языка ГБОУ СОШ №33 г. Сызрани

Питькова Светлана Николаевна

Аннотация: В разработке рассматриваются этапы работы над текстом “Расизм” УМК «Радужный английский» с обучающимися 9 класса.

Актуальность: Воспитание уважения к правам, свободам и обязанностям человека является значимым аспектом воспитания подрастающего поколения. Наиболее идеальными ценностями, к которым следует стремиться учащимся, следует считать гуманизм, в основе которого заложено уважение и доброжелательность по отношению к другому человеку и доброта как источник чувства, действия и отношения к окружающему миру.

I Предтекстовый этап

Цели: определить (сформулировать) речевую задачу для первого прочтения; создать необходимый уровень мотивации у учащихся; сократить уровень языковых и речевых трудностей.

Работа с лексикой

Exercise 1. Listen to the words


Звуковой переводчик для произношения новых слов

Allow Asian claim date deeds ethnic extreme fair lifestyle multicultural newsreaders population preserve Punjabi qualification racism repatriation respectable steal the Second World War torn unemployed worry

Exercise 2. Listen and repeat the words

Exercise 3. Read the words. Use your worksheets.


allow [əˈlaʊ]

Asian [eɪʃn] азиатский

claim [kleɪm] претензия, требования

date [deɪt] дата, свидание

deeds [diːdz] дела

ethniceθnɪk] этнический

extreme [ɪksˈtriːm] экстремальный

fair [feə] справедливый

lifestylelaɪfstaɪl] образ жизни

multicultural [mʌltɪˈkʌlʧərəl] многонациональный

newsreadernjuːzriːdə] диктор, ведущий новостей

population [pɒpjʊˈleɪʃn] население

preserve [prɪˈzɜːv] сохранить

Punjabi [pʌnˈʤɑːbɪ] Панджаби

qualification [kwɒlɪfɪˈkeɪʃn] квалификация

racism [ˈreɪsɪzm] расизм

repatriation [riːpætrɪˈeɪʃn] репатриация, возвращение на родину

respectable [rɪsˈpektəbl] респектабельный

steal [stiːl] красть, воровать

the Second World War [ˈsekənd wɜːld ː] Вторая Мировая война

torn [tɔːn] разорванный

unemployed [ʌnɪmˈplɔɪd] безработный

worrywʌrɪ] беспокоиться

Exercise 4. Word building. Find the derivatives in the text.



Britain- British

India- Indian



culture- cultural

nature- natural

life+ style=


news+ readers=newsreaders

teen+ ager= teenager



popular- population

compete- competition

educate- education

II Текстовый этап

Цели: проконтролировать степень сформированности различных языковых навыков и речевых умений; продолжить формирование соответствующих навыков и умений.

Exercise 1. Listen to the text then read it.


Exercise 2. Complete the sentences with the phrases (a-f). There is one phrase you don’t have to use.

a) getting better qualifications

b) is becoming more and more part

c) to do the jobs white people

d) this problem worries British teenagers

e) about 4% of the population.

f) racism has become a fact

1 The culture of these people of the British lifestyle.

2 The British National Party (BNP), an extreme right-wing group is supported by .

3 The only way they are stealing white people’s jobs is by ….

4 Immigrants were prepared … did not want.

5 It is natural that … and they feel strongly about it.

KEY: 1 b 2 e 3a 4c 5d

Exercise 3. Put the questions into the correct order to reflect the content of the text.

1 How do blacks and Asians get their job places?

2 Why did people throw bottles at Sheridan’s uncle about ten years ago?

3 Why are Asians just as British as any other citizens of the country?

4 How do the leaders of the party want to preserve the future of Britain?

5 Why were many blacks and Asians invited to Britain after the Second World War?

KEY: 4, 1, 5, 3, 2

Exercise 4 Work in pairs. Answer the questions of Ex. 2.


-How do the leaders of the party want to “preserve the future of Britain?

- The leaders of the party say that they are a respectable party wanting to “preserve the future of Britain by sending ethnic minorities back to the countries they come from.”

-How do blacks and Asians get their job places?


-As the British law allows all British citizens to get their education free, blacks and Asians get these job places in a fair competition with whites.

- Why were many blacks and Asians invited to Britain after the Second World War?

- Many blacks and Asians were invited to Britain after the Second World War and in the 1950s and 60s when Britain needed working hands.

- Why are Asians just as British as any other citizens of the country?

- Asians are just as British as any other citizens of the country because most of them were born in the UK.

-Why did people throw bottles at Sheridan’s uncle about ten years ago?

-About ten years ago people threw bottles at Sheridan’s uncle because he was dating a white girl.

Exercise 5. Find in the text the arguments in favor of the title.

Racism (Possible answers)

-The leaders of the British National Party say that they are a respectable party wanting to “preserve the future of Britain by sending ethnic minorities back to the countries they come from.”

-The BNP’s members take part in attacks on Asian and black people.

-They and their supporters claim that the blacks and Asians are stealing their jobs.

- Dhara feels half British, half Indian, torn between the two cultures.

-Jaskiran doesn’t think she could ever live in India. She can’t speak Punjabi very well and she feels like an outsider there.

-Sheridan says, that about ten years ago people threw bottles at his uncle because the man was dating a white girl.


III Послетекстовый этап

Цель: использовать ситуацию текста в качестве языковой (речевой), содержательной опоры для развития умений в устной и письменной речи.

Exercise 1. Which of the statements below are True, False or Not Stated

1 About thirty years ago in Britain there used to be many blacks and Asians in local governments or on TV as newsreaders.

2 The culture of these people is becoming more and more part of the British lifestyle.

3 The British Rocks is an extreme group in Britain.

4 Some black and Asian teens give their opinion about racism.

5 Dunjhaise thinks the BNP will not get into power.

KEY: 1. False 2. True 3. Not Stated 4. True 5.True

Exercise 2. Use the verbs in brackets in the appropriate forms. The Passive Voice.

1. The British National Party, an extreme right-wing group (TO SUPPORT) by about 4% of the population.

2. Asian and black people (TO ATTACK) by the BNP’s members.

3 Many blacks and Asians (TO INVITE) to Britain after the Second World War and in the 1950s and 60s when Britain needed working hands.

4. Immigrants (TO PREPARE) to do the jobs white people did not want.

5 Blacks and Asians are just as British as any other citizens of the country because most of them (TO BE BORN) in the UK.

KEY: 1 is supported 2 are attacked 3 were invited 4 were prepared 5 were born

Exercise 3. Choose the appropriate variants (a-c) to complete the sentences.




1 About thirty years ago in Britain there used to be not many blacks and Asians in local governments or on TV as newsreaders.




2 The BNP’s members take part in attacks … Asian and black people.




3 Blacks and Asians get their job places in … fair competition with whites.




4 Blacks and Asians are just as British as … other citizens of the country.




5 … is what some black and Asian teens said about racism.




KEY: 1b 2a 3c 4c 5b

Exercise 4. Look at the picture and describe it.


what the picture shows


what and who can you see in the picture


what is happening in the picture



you think and what you feel when you look at the picture




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