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магистрант 2 ой курс. Работа №24176

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магистрант 2 ой курс

The problem of defining allusion


The problem of defining allusion in linguistic circles has always been acute. Allusion is often taken for granted by both researchers and readers because it is a fairly common feature of language and speech, and in a broad sense it is indeed usually explained simply as an indirect reference to a previously written text or, in a broad sense, a fact.

However, it is obvious that allusion is a rather multifaceted phenomenon, which suggests the possibility of studying it in various aspects, in accordance with the objectives of a particular study, which may have both literary and linguistic or cultural orientation. It is enough to note that such researchers as I. V. Arnold, R. Barth, Yu.Kristeva, and J. V. Arnold were engaged in various intertextual inclusions.Lyons, K. Perry and many other Russian and foreign scientists.

It is interesting to note that the term "intertextuality" has also not yet been clearly defined: according to Kilbride, " some believe that intertextuality is the presence of ideas as intertextual components in a text; others believe that only a direct quotation ("a straight quotation") can be considered an intertextual inclusion " (Kilbride 2010).

From the point of view of stylistics, allusion can be understood as "a method of deliberate use of certain words in the text" (Mamaeva 1977), or as "a means of transferring the properties and qualities of heroes, facts or events into a new text, respectively" (Halperin 1981). In addition, allusion is sometimes seen as "a way of creating an implicit meaning in a new text" (Arnold 1999). According to W. Harris, the concept of "allusion" is "often given specially created definitions that would meet the interests and goals of a particular study" (CIT. for Chianina 1998:3).

The word "allusion" appears in the languages of European countries in the XVI century, but despite the long history of the term in foreign linguistic usage, allusion as such becomes the subject of attention from linguists only at the end of the XX century

Initially, an allusion was considered as a rhetorical figure. Etymologically, the term "allusion" goes back to the Latin "alludere" (from "ludere" – "play, joke", "hint"). The direct source of the word allusion was the late Latin "alusion", which comes from the Latin verb "ludo" – "play", "and this word is questionable, if not completely denies it depth, seriousness and sublimity" (Gracian 1977: 452).

Ancient rhetoricians and thinkers of the Renaissance ranked allusion rather to the figures of the word. Traditionally, for a long time, allusion was considered close to paronomasia, pun, wordplay; therefore, allusion was resorted to mainly in the field of Comedy genres. An allusion could be, for example, the substitution of a single letter in a word, which would lead to comic ambiguity. As noted by E. A. Vasilyev, some researchers of the time regarded allusion "minimal, on level understanding sound or syllable, climate sound the composition words, causing climate his meaning (often on the opposite) - also in comic purposes" (Vasilyeva 2011).

Paronomasia, in turn, was initially perceived as "the use of two approximately similar in meaning words in such a way that the word used caused an Association with another, similar in sound word, in order to create a comic effect" (Vasilyeva, ibid.). Note that if we take this definition as the main, the allusion is quite similar to paronomasia at least functionally, due to the fact that one of the functions of allusion, as already mentioned, is to create a comic effect.

According to the research of N. Yu.Novokhacheva, in the future the allusion continued to be perceived as a figure of speech; it was conventionally called "verbal allusion". At this stage, verbal allusion was contrasted with the so-called "real" allusion. "Real allusion "was called" a hint of some fact of history or mythology, the winged expression of the great writer " (Novokhacheva 2005). If we use this approach when considering allusions in General, we can say that the real allusions will be rather in the field of General knowledge, will enter into the General Fund of the speaker and the listener, or the author and the recipient of the text.

On the other hand, as Novokhacheva notes, allusions in various studies could be distinguished in terms of their content: historical and literary allusions were distinguished. Historical allusions were connected with references to historical figures, events of history. Literary allusions in this case can be called the inclusion of quotations from precedent texts or mention of the names of works or their characters. There were also mixed allusions, in which there were both references to historical fact and references to the precedent text (Novokhacheva 2005).

1. Arnold I.V. Stylistics of modern English. - M., 1973 - 320 p.


I.R. Text as an object of linguistic research. - M., 1981, - 139 p. 3.


E.N. Cognitive aspects of fairytale allusion: on the material of the English language. - Tomsk,

2007 .--

180 p.


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