Богадевич Ирина Игоревна,
учитель английского языка,
МБОУ «Средняя общеобразовательная школа №14» им. А.М. Мамонова
Цель урока:
Расширение кругозора учащихся о стране изучаемого языка:
а) формирование и развитие поисково- исследовательской деятельности учащихся, т.е. поиск информации о стране изучаемого языка из различных источников (книг, журналов, СМИ и т.д.);
б) совершенствование умения и навыков практического владения английским языком.
Задачи урока:
1. Совершенствование навыков аудирования с полным пониманием с извлечением необходимой информации;
2. Совершенствование навыков говорения в доступной языковой форме с использованием пройденного грамматический материала за курс 8 класса: «British are said to be polite,…» и « If I traveled to the UK I would visit Big Ben»;
3. Воспитание у учащихся толерантного, уважительного отношения к британскому народу и его культуре.
Оборудование урока:
1. Мультимедиа: виды Британии; слайды с новыми словами и текст для аудирования.
2. Аудиокассета с текстами и песней «An old lane syne», музыкальный центр.
Ход урока
1.Сообщение цели урока и введение учащихся в тему.
Teacher: Dear boys and girls! Today we have an unusual lesson. We are going to make «A dream trip around Great Britain». (Демонстрируется карта Великобритании)
Some people cannot imagine their life without travelling. It is very enjoyable activity during holidays. Modern means of communications makes the world a small place. Now it is possible to visit many countries and meet people of all nations. There are different aims of travelling abroad. Some people travel on business, the others for pleasure. What aims of travelling would tourists have?
Примерный разговор «Учитель- Ученик»:
-I think that they‘d like to visit places of interest, to meet new friends or practice the foreign language.
-You are quite right. That’s why every tourist should learn some information about a country he travels, shouldn’t he?
-Of course, he should.
2.Речевая зарядка.
Teacher: Let’s discuss what would you like to learn about a country if you were a tourist?
P1: I think if I were a tourist I would learn Geography, nature, climate, population, language and cities. What about you?
P2: As for me I would learn traditions and customs of that country. And what do you think?
P3: In my opinion I’d like to know the political system and Education of a country. And you?
P4: To my mind it’s very important to read stories about the history of the country.
Teacher: Well, I agree with your opinions. But I think first every tourist must know what kind of people the English are. That’s why I suggest you to listen to the story “The English” by tape.
3. Аудирование рассказа в аудиозаписи “The English”
Представление незнакомых слов: boastful - хвастливый, vulgar - грубый, easy-going - беспечный, веселый, amiable - любезный, ruthless - безжалостный, to be cautious - быть осторожным.
Almost every nation has a reputation of some kind. The English are reputed to be cold, reserved, easy – going, and fond of sports.
The English are a nation of stay–at–homes. There is no place like home, they say. The English prefer small houses, built for one family, perhaps with a small garden.
The English are considered to be the most amiable people in the world. They can be very ruthless. They are generous in small matters but more cautious in big ones.
Teacher: You’ve learned what the English like are. Could you describe the typical Englishman? - Yes, of course. ( Ученик описывает «типичного англичанина»).
Teacher: That’s quite right! But learning of English proverbs is as important as other things. That’s why I’d like you to match Russian equivalents to English proverbs
4.Работа с пословицами (в группах):
Карточка для 1 группы: A man’s house is his castle. Мой дом – моя крепость.
Карточка для 2 группы: Do as the most men do and most men will speak well of you (Чтобы о тебе говорили хорошо, поступай как большинство (С воронами жить по-вороньи, каркать).
Teacher: Well, you are quite right. I think you a ready to make a dream trip round Great Britain. Will you present your projects?
5.Презентация проектов учащихся.
(На мультимедиа проецируется вид Лондона “Big Ben at night”)
1 группа «England»
Pupil 1: In my opinion every tourist wants to visit the capital of Great Britain. Of course it’s better to plan the route of traveling beforehand, because it’s impossible to visit all sights of London for a few days.
First of all I’d like to see Big Ben and take a picture of myself at Big Ben. I have great wish to listen to Big Ben’s strike if it is alike to Kremlin’s.
It would very interesting to start my excursion from Madam Tussaud’s museum). I’m interested in the famous waxworks there and of course to see the Queens family. I imagine it would be great!
We know that there are a lot of parks and gardens in London: Hyde Park, the Royal Park, The Regent’s Park, the Green Park and so on. As they are the property of the Royal family the visiting of parks are free of charge.
I picture it would be very cool to ride a Double–Decker–bus through streets of London watching Londoners and its sights. But I couldn’t leave London without visiting its beautiful Tubes and undergrounds. I would enjoy my trip round London! Welcome to London with me!
Pupil 2:
I think that everybody knows the English like to talk about the weather. They say that there is no climate on the British Isles, but only weather. We can’t speak about of typical weather in England as in our country because it is very changeable and uncertain. Discussing the weather is always interesting and thrilling problem. The best advice for tourists is to take an umbrella at any weather.
Pupil 3:
I’d like to say some words about sport. The English are said to be sporty people. England is the birthplace of much modern kind of sports as football, tennis, basketball, boxing and badminton. They are popular all over the world. The rulers were invented in England.
2 группа «Wales»
We’d like to travel to Wales. It is situated in the UK in the west of England. Its capital is Cardiff. We are interested in the Kingdom of Castles in Cardiff and traditions. It is a country of rugged mountains and deep valleys. Because of their mountainous nature and its moist climate its vegetation is rich and green and very beautiful. Wales is an ancient country. There are large standing stones here- the same sort of construction that reached its peak in Stonehenge. There’re a lot of Abbeys and castles about 500.
We invite you to make a trip to Wales with us!
3 группа «Ireland»
Northern Ireland is situated in the north of Ireland. Its capital is Belfast. It is very ancient country and is rich in its history.
English is the official language, Irish – the national language. There are many legends in Ireland connected with the name of St. Patrick. One of them is devoted to the Shamrock. Shamrock has become the national emblem of Ireland. People decorate themselves with flowers of shamrock on national holiday Patrick’s Day (on March 17). The Irish people hold many cultural festivals.
Welcome to Ireland with us!
4 группа «Scotland»
We’d like to visit Scotland. The Scottish people are well-known to be great patriots of their country. They always keep their old customs and traditions. Scotsmen are the only nation in Europe where men prefer to wear skirts or kilts, not trousers.
The Scottish Highlands are famous with its deep valleys and mountain lakes. They are called “Lochs”. The beautiful Loch Lomond is the largest, but Loch Ness is known much better. There is a legend about Nessy, a strange dragon like animal lived there.
6. Подведение итогов урока, домашнее задание.
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