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Эссе "за и против" на тему: “Big cities are better places for living than small towns”. Работа №55615

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Эссе "за и против" на тему: “Big cities are better places for living than small towns”
For-and-against essay Big cities are better places for living than small towns Today the public opinion tends to be against living in small towns. People think they are not as modern and has no exciting nightlife as big cities. This view is really frequent and shared by the majority of young people. Nevertheless, personally I think they could not be further from the truth. Without a doubt, man's life in a big city has been eased considerably. Nowadays a lot of machines are invented to perform many of the services used to be done by someone for oneself. For instance, some up-to-date tools cut grass, wash cars, serve coffee, put to sleep and wake up to music. Obviously, if we stay in a small town for a long time, we will be cut off the civilization. But, however, due to the great progress in two main areas - transportation and communications, - we can admit that a lot of changes had been made. Mass publishing practices have spread newspapers, magazines around the globe. Relayed across oceans by Telstar satellites, television informs and entertains us in every hemisphere. Mail moves swiftly and efficiently: telephone cables connect all continents. In contrast, one finds that progress has also its drawbacks. We move more quickly through the world, we use more modern devices, we are better informed thanks to the Internet and mass media. But in doing so, the man often loses the track of the roots and the idea of the lifestyle of citizens living in small towns working in the garden or doing the washing-up. The man invented machines to replace his servants. And so, what do we observe? His appetite for material things increased, but not satisfied. Maybe it is a chance to think it over and come to live in a small town to experience the unique and healthy way of life. Taking everything into account, to live in a big city or a small town is something of a dilemma to the public. They sometimes are confused by seeing good qualities of living in a big city and neglect the genuinely good aspects of living in a small town.
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