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"Различные виды функциональной грамотности, используемые на уроках английского языка". Работа №56450

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Название работы:
"Различные виды функциональной грамотности, используемые на уроках английского языка"


Конспект занятия по функциональной грамотности

Учителя английского языка Изотовой Е.В., МОУ СОШ № 31

«Различные виды функциональной грамотности, применяемые на уроках английского языка»

1. Read the text.

Sights of Podolsk

Suppose you’re waiting for a guest from Britain. What would you like to tell him about? I want to remember some material to you.

The central square in Podolsk is Ulitsa Lenina (Lenin Square) where the city's main streets meet. From here Prospekt Lenina runs north across the River Pakhra. It is possible to get around the city on foot, although bus no. 4 runs directly between the railway station and the Ivanovoskoe Estate.

 Just outside of Podolsk is the village of Dubrovitsy which is famous for the beautiful Our Lady of the Sign Church (церковь Знамения Пресвятой Богородицы) which is part of an estate there and made of white stone. In the basement of the church there is a crucifix. It was visited by Peter the Great. The church is decorated with the statues of apostoles.

Although it is possible to walk here from the railway station, especially in winter when the River Pakhra is frozen, it is probably best to get a bus here. Bus No. 65 runs between Dubrovitsy and Podolsk Railway Station. Bus No. 417 also runs directly to Dubrovitsy from Moscow's Yuzhnaya metro station.

The second monument on Vokzalnaya Ploschad is a monument to Empress Catherine the Great which stands in a small park known as Yekaterinsky Skver (Catherine's Public Gardens). The monument depicts Catherine sat at her desk signing a document and commemorates her granting city status to Podolsk in 1781.

Podolsk’s most interesting and spectacular moment is probably the Podolsk Cadets Monument (памятник воинам-выпускникам училищ). This impressive monument is made out of steel and depicts three cadets involving into battle under a large star. It is dedicated to the cadets of the Podolsk Military School who joined the regular army to defend Moscow.

Задание на извлечение информации:

Answer the questions-1. What Podolsk’s places of interest can you name? How to get to Podolsk from Moscow?

На оценку информации: 2. Is the Lady of the Sign church made of red granite? 3. Was the church visited by great people earlier?

На оценку противоречивой информацию: What object in a church is a sign of the orthodox church?

Задание на глобальную функциональную грамотность:

What places of interest in the UK can you name?

Задание на креативное мышление:

You know, the UK has its flower symbols- Which flower symbols do you know? Britain has a red rose as a flower symbol, Scotland has a thistle, Wales has a daffodil Northern Ireland has a shamrock as a flower symbol. What flower symbol could Russia have? I remember you some flower names-


Задание на финансовую функциональную грамотность

Let’s imagine we are going to Britain for a week.. Can we count an average sum of money you’ll have to take with you, if the cheapest room at the hotel costs 10 000 roubles a day, the minimum expenses for food are from 2000 roubles a day, the cost of transport tickets is from 500 roubles a day and the cost of souvenirs is from 500 roubles a day too?

Add, please, the cost of visa is from 3 500 roubles. Add also the expenses for air roundtrip tickets-the cheapest ones from 70 000 roubles. Count everything. What sum of money should you take with you?

Count the sum in pounds, please. One pound is approximately 100 roubles.




The second


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