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Al-Farabi Kazakh National University is the right choice! | Акимбаева К.Т.. Работа №313960. Номер работы: №313960

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Al-Farabi Kazakh National University is the leading one among all Kazakh higher educational institutions.

Today, KazNU is the largest scientific and educational university in the country, uniting eight research institutes, more than 50 centers and laboratories of scientific, technical and humanitarian directions. The developments of KazNU scientists are being introduced into production, and scientific works are actively published in highly rated publications included in the Scopus and Thomson Reuters database. KazNU is the first and only university in Kazakhstan awarded by the international agency Thomson Reuters with a special diploma "For outstanding achievements in the field of science".

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University is the right choice!


Al-Farabi Kazakh National University is the leading one among all Kazakh higher educational institutions.

Today, KazNU is the largest scientific and educational university in the country, uniting eight research institutes, more than 50 centers and laboratories of scientific, technical and humanitarian directions. The developments of KazNU scientists are being introduced into production, and scientific works are actively published in highly rated publications included in the Scopus and Thomson Reuters database. KazNU is the first and only university in Kazakhstan awarded by the international agency Thomson Reuters with a special diploma "For outstanding achievements in the field of science".

The special international recognition of the university is evidenced by the creation of educational and scientific centers and laboratories of the TECHNOPARK of the world-famous companies Hewlett-Packard, Cisco, Intel, Konica minolta, Microsoft in KazNU. Together with foreign partners from the USA, Great Britain, China, Germany, Finland, Japan and other countries, 56 major international scientific projects funded by INTAS, the IAEA, the EU, NATO, the World Bank, UNESCO are being carried out.

KazNU is actively developing double-degree education with the world's leading universities. Every year, more than a thousand foreign students and teachers choose KazNU for training and scientific internships.

In the last decade, the development of global trends poses new challenges to higher education in Kazakhstan. One of the important tasks set out in the State Program for the Development of Education in Kazakhstan is the inclusion of at least two universities in the world rankings. Kazakh higher education institutions actively participate in global rankings, they have the most successful results in the QS rating.

The authority and recognition of KazNU in the global educational space have been significantly strengthened: in 2022, in the Quacquarelli Symonds World University Rankings (QS WUR) KazNU ranked 150th among the best universities in the world, 44th in the Asian region and 1st in Central Asia.

The successful promotion of the university in the international ranking was facilitated by a comprehensive structural modernization carried out in accordance with modern requirements. Process management, a result-oriented management system and a rating assessment of labor have been introduced. Experimental educational programs have been developed and implemented that meet high international standards and have passed international accreditation, and research work is actively underway. Every third Kazakhstani publication in foreign rating scientific journals is published by KazNU scientists.

On the recommendation of QS experts, the experience of KazNU is studied by the leading universities of the world. This indicator is a direct proof of the university's high competitiveness in the global education and science market.

The rating is based on the assessment of the university's reputation among employers, professional achievements of graduates, partnership with employers, organization of employers' interaction with students and employment after graduation.


Akimbayeva K.T.

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