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Formation of interest in physical education lessons in children | Маслаков Артур Иванович. Работа №316590

Дата публикации:

Статья рассматривает проблемы и методы формирования интереса к физической культуре у школьников.  Физическое воспитание является главным аспектом во всестороннем воспитании человека. Физкультура – урок, который интересен почти всем и обычно не  нуждается в дополнительных усилиях по мотивированию учащихся. Однако иногда в школе возникают ситуации, когда интерес обучающихся существенно снижается. С научной точки зрения интерес – это положительно эмоционально окрашенное внимание к какому-либо предмету. В настоящее время развитие интереса школьников к урокам физической культуры становится более актуальная. Как известно, большое количество детей имеет не только слабую физическую подготовленность, но и отклонения в здоровье. Основная причина этого – отсутствие у детей интереса к физической культуре. Поэтому задача учителя изменить отношение к своему предмету и сформировать интерес к занятиям физической культурой и спортом.

Formation of interest in physical education lessons among children



student of the Faculty of Physical Culture, Belgorod State

National Research University

308000, Belgorod region, Belgorod, Studencheskaya 14,

e-mail: maslakov.artur@icloud.com

Scientific director: R.E. Bogachev, candidate of Philological Sciences,

docent, docent of the faculty of Foreign Languages


The author reflects on the possibilities of various ways of forming interest in physical education lessons among schoolchildren.

Keywords: lessons, physical education, schoolchildren, methodology


Physical education is a lesson that is interesting to almost everyone and usually not needs more effort to motivate students. However, sometimes at school there are situations when the interest of students is significantly reduced.

From a scientific point of view, interest is a positive emotional colored attention to any subject. Currently the development of schoolchildren's interest in physical education lessons is becoming more up to date. As you know, a large number of children have not only a weak physical fitness, but also deviations in health. Main the reason for this is the lack of interest in physical culture among children.

Therefore, the task of the teacher is to change the attitude towards his subject and generate interest in physical education and sports.

In the psychological and pedagogical literature, the concept of "interest" is given various definitions. However, all authors point to a large its significance in human life, understanding it as a stimulant personality activity. Many scientific studies are devoted to the study of interest, in aggregates that proved its versatile role as a complex and significant factor of education in personality. Interest creates favorable conditions for the development of children's activity, neutralizing indifference and inertia.

In psychological and pedagogical literature, interest is a form manifestations of a cognitive need, providing direction personality on the basis of the objectives of the activity.

I. V. Lazunina is interested in how the search, reversing attention to his motor, observable strength, to his dynamic character, the moment of orientation in it. Pursuit devote your thoughts and actions to some phenomenon of the author of awareness interest in this phenomenon. Feeling uplifted, mentally excited, attraction of interest to the subject is called interest. The interests of students in the lesson of physical education are different.

This is the desire to improve health, shape posture, this is the desire develop motor and volitional qualities. Interests of boys and girls are different: girls most often think about a beautiful figure, flexibility, elegance of movements and gait, less often about the development of speed, endurance, strength. Boys want to develop strength, endurance, speed, agility.

Formation of a positive attitude of students to classes physical culture is a process in which the achievement of a result due to the presence of pedagogical conditions associated with the organization training sessions, taking into account individual psychological properties personality of the student and competence of the teacher.

Reasons for declining interest in physical education lessons can be attributed:

1. An erroneous choice of educational material that causes students to small load or overload.

2. There is no ability to find a common language with children.

3. Lack of knowledge about modern teaching methods.

4. Inability to analyze the motivational sphere.

In order for the student to develop positive relationship and showed interest in physical education lessons, you need to ensure that the child has a feeling of joy repeatedly.

There are a number of factors that increase interest in the lesson and cause joy of children.

1. The behavior of the teacher significantly affects the further development actions in the lesson. The teacher, glowing with joy, charges his joy and students. The tone of the teacher, the clarity and brevity of his commands get the kids ready for the lesson. At the same time, the high fussiness of the teacher lead to student disorganization.

2. Use of game or competitive methods. Games and competition evokes a strong emotional response in children. However, what happens is that the children lose control and the lesson becomes impossible.

3. A variety of methods and tools used in the lesson physical culture. Monotony in the classroom leads to loss interest in activities, to a decrease in mental activity.

The use of three methods: game, competitive and strictly regulated exercise. Methods of game and competitive orientations, as a rule, always create a strong emotional response. And these emotions then go out for a long time after the games or competition. Therefore, care is needed when applying such methods, for this it is necessary to put competitions and games at the end classes.

The game method is manifested in role-playing games with using physical exercises. The application of this method is very effective in the joint development of physical qualities and motor features. With the game method, the teacher acts as a participant in such play and fulfill their role.

The method of strictly regulated exercise is organized with full compliance with the order of conducting classes, dosing exercise load, as well as compliance with all conditions, with which the exercise is being performed.

The competitive method is a competitive comparison of forces in environment of rivalry or the acquisition of a successful outcome. Such a method helps to maximize the quality of their level of physical features and possibilities.

Physical education and sports have a beneficial effect on physical development of students, contribute to the formation of skills healthy lifestyle, the development of human physical abilities, improve the culture of physical activity of children. The task of the physical education teacher is to provide high level of student activity in the classroom. For this, it is necessary so that students are interested in physical activities exercises, sought to develop the necessary physical and mental qualities and received satisfaction from the lessons.




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