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Название статьи:

Human's fate. This topic is for all times. | Makoveeva Polina . Работа №297843

Дата публикации:

Автор: Makoveeva Polina
How can we name someone's fate? 

Who am I?

What am I doing here?

What am I doing during my life?

What is the purpose of my life?

Where is my real home?

To whom can I go anytime?

What will say my friends?

Are they my rel friends?

Are they true?

Will anybody sacrifice himself for me?

What is the aim of my existence?

Who will help me?

Why me?

Does anyone deserve my fate?

Am I not the best?

Can I trust anybody?

Are there people I can rely on?


During the lifetime people ask a lot of philosophical questions. And where are answers? And what is the most important in the life of everyone?



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