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International cooperation in the KazNU | Акимбаева К.Т.. Работа №313965. Номер работы: №313965

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Today, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University is a major scientific, educational and innovative center, which generates new knowledge, progressive ideas and technologies.

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (KazNU), which is located in Almaty, has been considered the leader among multidisciplinary universities for several years in a row. The contingent of students in this leading institution of the education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan is more than 20 thousand students.

International cooperation of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University is aimed at strengthening the reputation, internationalization of education and further integration into the world educational and scientific community. KazNU named after. Al-Farabi carries out international cooperation within the framework of agreements with leading foreign universities, implements international joint educational programs, carries out joint research activities, organizes international scientific and practical seminars and conferences, conducts academic exchange of students and teachers and attracts visiting professors.

International cooperation in the KazNU


Today, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University is a major scientific, educational and innovative center, which generates new knowledge, progressive ideas and technologies.

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (KazNU), which is located in Almaty, has been considered the leader among multidisciplinary universities for several years in a row. The contingent of students in this leading institution of the education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan is more than 20 thousand students.

International cooperation of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University is aimed at strengthening the reputation, internationalization of education and further integration into the world educational and scientific community. KazNU named after. Al-Farabi carries out international cooperation within the framework of agreements with leading foreign universities, implements international joint educational programs, carries out joint research activities, organizes international scientific and practical seminars and conferences, conducts academic exchange of students and teachers and attracts visiting professors.

KazNU has a scientific and educational center "Resource Center for Multilingual Education" at the Faculty of Pre-university Education.

The Multilingual Education Resource Center has all the necessary resources for the successful implementation of educational activities for foreign students who want to undergo language training in Kazakh and Russian as a foreign language.

Russian Russian is taught by experienced teachers of Kazakh and Russian as foreign languages, who for many years have been teaching foreign students from different countries of the world: USA, Europe, Asia, etc. Every year more than 500 foreign students receive language training in Russian at KazNU.

The teachers of the Center are professionally proficient in modern methods and technologies of foreign language teaching in KazKI and RCT, are the authors of educational technologies and methods for teaching Kazakh and Russian as foreign languages.

The Center has the necessary resource base for teaching Kazakh and Russian as foreign languages: textbooks, textbooks, dictionaries, audio-video material.

Our Kazakh and Russian language courses are divided into 6 main levels of study, according to the Pan-European Competencies of Foreign Language Proficiency of the Council of Europe: from level A1 to higher C2.

Upon admission, the Center conducts a diagnosis of the language level, develops an individual or specialized program for intensive mastery of Kazakh, Russian languages.

For its students, the Center has developed a special course on the culture of Kazakhstan (excursions to museums in Almaty, picnics in nature, climbing the peaks of the Trans-Ili Alatau, the ski resort of Zimbulak, Kolsai lakes, etc.; lessons of Kazakh hospitality: national cuisine; acquaintance with the traditions of the Kazakh people).

After school, students can develop their Russian language in the classes of clubs: discussion, music, film club.

Throughout the entire period of study, foreign students are helped to adapt to the country, spend interesting time by their linguistic partners from among Kazakhstani student volunteers.


Akimbayeva K.T.

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