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Подготовка к устной части ВПР по английскому языку в 7 классе | Окорокова Вера Николаевна. Работа №214485

Дата публикации:

Автор: Окорокова Вера Николаевна
Шаблон для описания картинки по плану ВПР по английскому языку в 7 классе.

Описание картинки на английском языке (шаблон)

1. I’d like to describe picture number …

2. The picture shows a woman (a girl, a boy, children ) at school (at home, somewhere outside).

3. In the background of the picture there is/there are… . So, we can understand (guess) that it was taken in the classroom (in the garden, etc.)

- The weather is …

- I think it is … (season)

4. The woman is reading a book in a hammock. (The girl is doing a task in her copybook. The boy is solving Maths problems. etc)

5. She (he, they) is (are) young (old, middle-aged, etc) and pretty (beautiful, handsome).

6. She (he, they) has got (have got) … short (long) blonde (dark) hair and … eyes.

7. She (he, they) is (are) wearing…

She (he, they) is (are) dressed in…

8. She (he, they) look(s)/ seem(s) … happy (relaxed, serious, concentrated, etc.)

9. I like the photo because the woman (girl, boy) is having a good time. I also enjoy … (reading, relaxing in the garden of my country house, etc.) and feel a bit envious.

I don’t like this photo because the boy looks stressed and I don’t enjoy Maths lessons.

Описание картинки на английском языке (шаблон)

1. I’d like to describe picture number …

2. The picture shows a woman (a girl, a boy, children ) at school (at home, somewhere outside).

3. In the background of the picture there is/there… . So, we can understand (guess) that it was taken in the classroom (in the garden, etc.)

- The weather is …

- I think it is … (season)

4. The woman is reading a book in a hammock. (The girl is doing a task in her copybook. The boy is solving Maths problems. etc)

5. She (he, they) is (are) young (old, middle-aged, etc) and pretty (beautiful).

6. She (he, they) has got (have got) … short (long) blonde (dark) hair and … eyes.

7. She (he, they) is (are) wearing…

She (he, they) is (are) dressed in…

8. She (he, they) look(s)/ seem(s) … happy (relaxed, serious, concentrated, etc.)

9. I like the photo because the woman (girl, boy) is having a good time. I also enjoy … (reading, relaxing in the garden of my country house, etc.) and feel a bit envious.

I don’t like this photo because the boy looks stressed and I don’t enjoy Maths lessons.

1) I would like to describe picture №…. It shows (a girl, a boy, a student, friends, a woman (women), a man(men), a group of…).

2)#PLACE He(she) is…(They are…) situated… It takes place…

- at school/ in the garden/ in the station, outside/outdoors/in the forest/ in the classroom/in the school gym/ in the library/…

This place is comfortable/pleasant/ quiet/ beautiful/…. There is (eд.число) There are (мн.число)…. (There are a lot of books/flowers/children… There is a computer/a window/a blackboard…)

The weather is ... so I think it's (season).

3) #Appearance (внешность) The boy/girl/ he(she) is… (they are) looking: /happy/sad/upset/optimistic/pessimistic/neat (опрятный)/ nice/ wonderful….

He(she) is wearing (they are wearing) : a school uniform/a shirt/a T-short/ a sweater/a jacket/a coat/jeans/trousers/sport trousers/a skirt/ a dress/ shoes/trainers/boots…

He(she) has (they have) …eyes, (long, short, fair, dark, straight, curly) hair (haircut).

4) #ACTION (Действие) – He(she) is (they are) + V(ing) : reading, looking at, laughing, sitting, standing, speaking, talking with, arguing with, listening to, writing something (что-то), walking, going to…, going home, lying…having fun

5) #LIKEORDISLIKE - I like/dislike this picture because it shows… (relations between…/ friends/friendship/how to (глагол) . I think the picture is… (positive-negative, thrilling, enjoyable/pleasant/inspiring - вдохновляющий ). As for me I like to….

!!! Use! on the left/on the right/in the middle/centre

Also – также, but – но, maybe, probably – может быть, вероятно, besides – кроме того, then – затем, well – ну…. (Если надо подумать)

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