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Strategic goals and objectives of KazNU | Акимбаева К.Т.. Работа №313966. Номер работы: №313966

Дата публикации:

KazNU named after al-Farabi is a modern scientific and educational cluster. To achieve the strategic goals and objectives facing the university, KazNU implements its own program of transformation into a modern research university (a world-class university).

In order to broadcast the experience of large innovative corporations, research and educational centers "Hewlett-Packard", "Cisco", "Copisa Minolta", "Fujitsu", "Samsung", "Alcatel", "Kaspersky Lab", Microsoft, Intel, Huawei, etc. have been created and are actively working at the university.

An important element of the E-Campus infrastructure is the Innovative KazNU Data Center with a computing capacity of 5 Teraflops, which combines a corporate data storage system and high-performance computing resources that are used to solve applied problems in ecology, oil and gas and uranium industry, bioinformatics, nanotechnology, seismic and geological exploration, space technologies, economic and social forecasting.

Strategic goals and objectives of KazNU


KazNU named after al-Farabi is a modern scientific and educational cluster. To achieve the strategic goals and objectives facing the university, KazNU implements its own program of transformation into a modern research university (a world-class university).

In order to broadcast the experience of large innovative corporations, research and educational centers "Hewlett-Packard", "Cisco", "Copisa Minolta", "Fujitsu", "Samsung", "Alcatel", "Kaspersky Lab", Microsoft, Intel, Huawei, etc. have been created and are actively working at the university.

An important element of the E-Campus infrastructure is the Innovative KazNU Data Center with a computing capacity of 5 Teraflops, which combines a corporate data storage system and high-performance computing resources that are used to solve applied problems in ecology, oil and gas and uranium industry, bioinformatics, nanotechnology, seismic and geological exploration, space technologies, economic and social forecasting.

On the basis of the university, an innovative IT-technopark of the "Alliance of Universities of the New Silk Road" is being created, including more than 130 universities of the EurAsEC and CIS countries, according to the "Silicon Valley" model, the core of which is the KazNU Supercomputer with a capacity of 1620 Teraflops, which is in the TOP 500 of the world in computing power, received as a grant from the Government of the People's Republic of China.

The educational process at the university proceeds with the support of the information and software complex "Univer 2.0" developed at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, which provides automated workplaces for all categories of users involved in the educational process, starting with the admissions committee and ending with the graduation of the student. The system ensures the synchronous work of all participants in the educational process. Thanks to the cloud-based automation system of the educational process, all educational (attendance, academic performance, grading in classes and exams, etc.) and auxiliary processes (procedures for the distribution of vacant educational grants and places in dormitories, etc.) are extremely open and transparent.

Since 2016, the KazNU has been operating a Situational Management Center – an organizational and technological complex, the basis of which is software and information support for management decisions based on comprehensive monitoring of factors influencing the development of ongoing processes.

To develop the potential of scientific research and the development of the latest production technologies for high-tech technologies, there is a Cluster of engineering and high-tech technologies, including a Science and Technology Park, a Center for Process Innovation (Center for Engineering and Commercialization) and a Center for "green technologies".

The center of "green technologies" is a city "MINI-EXPO" for the implementation of innovative projects on "green energy", and the training of specialists of a new formation based on modern technologies and high-tech engineering, using various energy production technologies: wind, solar, hydro and geothermal, and biogas energy. The activity of all necessary alternative energy sources is accumulated on the territory of the center: heat pumps, a biogas plant, wind generators.


Akimbayeva K.T.



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