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TEACHING ENGLISH TO STUDENTS IN ECONOMICS | Акмурадова Курбангозель, Мерданова Гульбахар. Работа №320939. Номер работы: №320939

Дата публикации:

Teaching English for students of non-English department is often challenging, especially when most of the students have low English competence. This study aims to propose a method called Translatonomics to teach English for Economics through translation practice to encourage the students to understand English contextually. The research was conducted firstly to identify the ability of the students to understand English text about Economics and translate it into Turkmen, then to introduce contextual translation from translating simple sentences, short paragraphs, and text. The students were encouraged to understand and to translate Economics texts contextually from English into Turkmen and to minimize their dependency on instant translation tools such as Google Translate.


4th year student Merdanova G.,

Senior Lecturer: Akmuradova G.G.

Turkmen State Institute of Architecture and Construction,

city Ashgabat





Annotation: Teaching English for students of non-English department is often challenging, especially when most of the students have low English competence. This study aims to propose a method called Translatonomics to teach English for Economics through translation practice to encourage the students to understand English contextually. The research was conducted firstly to identify the ability of the students to understand English text about Economics and translate it
into Turkmen, then to introduce contextual translation from translating simple sentences, short paragraphs, and text. The students were encouraged to understand and to translate Economics texts contextually from English into Turkmen and to minimize their dependency on instant translation tools such as Google Translate.

Keywords: English for Economics, translation practice, contextual translation.

The increasing importance of English as an international language has resulted in the expansion of one particular aspect of English Language Teaching, namely the teaching of English for Specific Purposes. This relatively new aspect of English Language Teaching has its basis in an investigation of the purposes of the learners and the set of communicative needs arising from those purposes. These particular needs will guide teachers in designing different course materials, in choosing the kind of English to be taught, the topics and themes through which it will be taught, the skills and activities they will make use of. All these aspects could be perceived as a real challenge for both teachers and learners. Consequently, the aim of this study is to offer some immediately accessible guidelines into teaching English to students in Economics. As an international language, English has a very important role for
international business. ESP accommodates the use of English in many fields, including academic and/or professional needs. An ESP course, in this case English for Economics, may emphasize the development skill of Economics students to prepare them to work in related profession. In faculty of Economics, English course is known as English for Economics; others may call it Business English. Teaching English for students of non-English department needs some comprehensive studies to meet the requirements and to fulfill the objective soft he learning activity. Tar one suggested that second language learners
have a series of overlapping mental grammar which correspond to different contexts in which the second language is used. Moreover, stated that the acquisition of specific vocabulary in a foreign language by students is
often slow, discouraging and even frustrating. Therefore, the teacher who works with students in economics has to perform a thorough analysis of his/her students
in order to get to know them better. In teaching English for Economics students, the researcher identifies some problems occurred. Firstly, the materials for English for Economics are still over lapped with General English or even Basic English. As stated before, English for Economics belongs to English for Specific Purpose which is different from General English. It should be more specific to teach English for the use of Economics science. Secondly, the English competency of the students is still now. This can be a problem as when most of the students have not understood Basic English yet, the lecturer has to begin the lesson from basic. In learning English, most students have high dependency on Google Translate whenever they find difficulty, for example in writing English sentence. As the result, they only know the words meaning literally, and when they have to write or translate English sentence, they would be grammatically and contextually in appropriate. As a matter of fact, ESP combines subject matter and English language teaching. The students are expected to be able to apply the English less on into their field of study, especially in Economics science. Teaching English for students of non-English department is often challenging, especially when most of the students have low English competence. In this study, the researcher would like share some experience in teaching English for Economics students, especially with low competence of English. This paper aims to propose an approach called Translatonomics to teach English for Economics through translation practice to encourage the students to understand English contextually.

Translatonomics is a concept of integrating translation studies in teaching English for Economics to higher education students. It is an approach which focused on teaching English for Economics students based on translation practice and aimed to optimize students’ translation skill. In Translatonomics, students are guided to be skillful in translating specific texts related to Economics. The first step to apply Translatonomics is introducing translation studies to the students before going to translation practice. This step covers some translation theories, including definition and kinds of translation, translation process, and strategies for contextual translation. One of the ways to teach English for students of non-English department is through translation practice. This can be useful for the students to get some knowledge about the field of the study and improve their practical skills. Some studies have been conducted to integrate ESP and translation practice.

Business English is defined as a part of English for Specific Purposes and can be considered a specialism within English language learning and teaching. In teaching English as a foreign language (EFL) the share of teaching and
learning it for various professional purposes is steadily growing. Indeed, many language learners experience
difficulties at the beginning stages, and they must adapt quickly to the learning context in order to succeed in their academic study. There are some problems being notified, such as language shock, culture shock, lack of study skills and proficiency, and so forth. Therefore, ESP plays an essential role that ESP teachers should find more
efficient method to accomplish the objective of learning. The four skills of language would be also essential in the social and academic life of international learners.
Most ESP practitioners are aware that ESP teaching implies not only constant search for up-to-date authentic professionally-oriented materials to be presented
and practiced in class, but also great readiness to bring innovations in the classroom in respect to teaching methods and activities which will prove to be more efficient for achieving success in the learning process and the learning outcomes. Moreover, added that the main mission behind the constructivist approach in ESP teaching is first and fore most to enable students to develop their professional communication skills in the target language as communication skills are essential for success in academic studies and the workplace. From the explanations above, it can be concluded that teaching English for Economics students is focused on the use of English in Economic context and to meet the professional purposes. The teacher or lecturer should find an efficient method to overcome the problems that may arise in teaching English for non English students, to accomplish the objective of learning, and to achieve success in the learning process and outcomes.
Literature and Notes:

[1] Durdiyeva B., Islamova S., Annashova M., Agamammedova E.. English. Textbook for technical colleges. - Ashgabat, TDNG, 2012

[2] Gorbunova E.V. English language manual for students of II-III courses of construction universities. -Moscow "Higher School" 1978

[3] Salnikova L.V. English for managers.- Moscow, 1992








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