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Название статьи:

Тест Модуль 3 Spotlight 8 Past Perfect Past Perfect Continuous | Авакова Валентина Сергеевна. Работа №352977

Дата публикации:

Test 3

I.                  Give the translation.

a)     Author -

f) lion tamer

b)    Air traffic controller

g) salary

c)     Vet

h) overtime

d)    Traffic warden

i) deadlines

e)     Uniform

j) part time job


II.               Past Perfect VS Past Perfect Continuous.

a)     Mum was glad because she ______(meet) her best friend.

b)    We _____ (cook) lunch for half an hour when it started to snow.

c)     I was very cold when I arrived home. I _____ (work) hard all day in the garden.

d)    By the time she came, we ________(walk/ already)  our dog.

e)     Jim was on his hands and knees on the floor. He ____ (look) for his contact lens for 20 minutes.


III.           Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.

a)     Looking at these paintings brings ___ so many happy memories.

b)    My native town is the best place to bring ____ children.

c)     Sabrina is bringing ____ her new album in a month.

d)    The new government has brought ____ many changes in the transport sector.

e)     The doctor brought the patient back ____ by using cold water.

Test 3

Give the translation.

Author -

f) lion tamer

Air traffic controller

g) salary


h) overtime

Traffic warden

i) deadlines


j) part time job


Past Perfect VS Past Perfect Continuous.

Mum was glad because she _____


meet) her best friend.

We _____ (cook) lunch for half an hour when it started to snow.

I was very cold when I arrived home. I _____ (work) hard all day in the garden.

By the time she came, we _______



walk/ already)

  our dog


Jim was on his hands and knees on the floor. He ____ (look) for his contact lens for 20 minutes.


Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.

Looking at these paintings brings ___ so many happy memories.

My native town is the best place to bring ____ children.

Sabrina is bringing ____ her new album in a month.

The new government has brought ____ many changes in the transport sector.

The doctor brought the patient back ____ by using cold water.


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