The fruit of the tree planted by the teachers. | Qo'ziyeva Shahrizoda. Работа №318098
Buildings inside the most the eldest school. If so professions inside the most difficult and the eldest is teaching . Master when you say the eye to us happy love the owner and science from its source whole the soul rinsed eloquence owners will come Theirs trust , love and Thank you , patience with giving knowledge because of today high successes surrounded by flight I am doing 2020 Urgench state university Philology faculty Uzbek language education direction student said honorable to the name deserves has been without acceptance I was done . This is the gallows to me infinite opportunities the door opened . Under the leadership of our teacher Dilshod Kadamboyevich Gayipov, dean of our faculty, students have been demonstrating their knowledge and potential. My teacher, D.Q. Gayipov always support young people. Among such young people, the fact that they trusted me and praised Shakhrizoda in front of my parents, saying "We believe in Shakhrizoda!
Kuziyeva Shakhrizoda . Uzbekistan .
The fruit of the tree planted by the teachers.
Buildings inside the most the eldest school. If so professions inside the most difficult and the eldest is teaching . Master when you say the eye to us happy love the owner and science from its source whole the soul rinsed eloquence owners will come Theirs trust , love and Thank you , patience with giving knowledge because of today high successes surrounded by flight I am doing 2020 Urgench state university Philology faculty Uzbek language education direction student said honorable to the name deserves has been without acceptance I was done . This is the gallows to me infinite opportunities the door opened . Under the leadership of our teacher Dilshod Kadamboyevich Gayipov, dean of our faculty, students have been demonstrating their knowledge and potential. My teacher, D.Q. Gayipov always support young people. Among such young people, the fact that they trusted me and praised Shakhrizoda in front of my parents, saying "We believe in Shakhrizoda! We have high hopes for her" will give me strength to seek more, set great goals and achieve great success.My teachers support as a result and to them done big passion target reason , scientific research work take to go decision I did. This is the goal on the way to me philology sciences candidate , associate professor Nasiba Azatbayevna Jumaniyazova scientific leadership they did. Theirs disappointed with each one of the word meaning , literature the so-called from the ocean how stop dial secrets to teach separately to confession deserves. From this except second my mom saying Nasiba my teacher and philology sciences candidate , associate professor Bekposhsha Rahimova my teachers say I can. They are together each always both personal and social to me in life need to be advice sparingly they give. My teachers confidence , unlimited love because of one zum fatigue without knowing , I'm heading towards my goals step I'm throwing up . Most big of my goals one , myself philology in the direction of by reading stand up , great alloma , word of property sultan Alisher Navoi in the name of state scholarship owner to be was. In this regard to my teachers appeal when I do Luck my teacher , " to me student if you are , sure until the end movement as a scholarship holder be " Can you take it , are you strong? " , no without hesitation , "yes, trust me I'm sorry ," he said answer when I gave in my heart something , describe which cannot be big trust feeling and responsibility I feel That 's it pride it was the same to my goal I got it - that's all me as if congratulating was times past , the state to the scholarship document submit time when it arrives , Bekposhsha my teacher from my hand tight holding , " to you I believe you of course state scholarship because you will you to this you deserve it blessing they gave From my eyes young out to go little the rest , but from my heart pride and pride of my teachers boiling taffeta the reason is youth leaking came out
To my teachers I bow ! Finally , that's when I cried expected of the message result announcement done December 22, 2022. It's 10:28 a.m. Exciting moments ... and I Alisher Navoi in the name of state scholarship owner has been I was :This is mine not my teachers achievement was :We don't stop we were crying , of course from joy And slowly but happily mixed more true in the voice we whispered , "we made it ! " Yes, we did we were That's it with together in Uzbekistan wanted to the university to the master's degree state grant based on to the student recommendation done I was His work , patience , love , knowledge , and support for to my teachers infinite Thank you and gratitude I will tell you . You guys my teacher no motherless ! my heart the most located at the bottom angels! For you still I bow !
Respect with your student Shakhrizoda Kuziyeva