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The influence of parental relations on the manifestation of anxiety in senior preschool age children | Рябчикова Мария Геннадьевна. Работа №241541

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Автор: Рябчикова Мария Геннадьевна
Статья посвящена рассмотрению влияния родительских отношений на то, как у дошкольников проявляется тревожность. А именно, при воздействии на ребенка (положительное или негативное) его родителей в последующем определяется уровень тревожности малыша: высокий или же наоборот, низкий. В рамках данной работы будут рассмотрены следующие теоретические основы: что же такое тревожность, какие бывают типы родительских отношений и как же они влияют на проявление тревожности у ребенка старшего дошкольного возраста.

The article is devoted to the consideration of the influence of parental relations on how anxiety is manifested in senior preschoolers. Namely, when exposed to a child (positive or negative) by his parents, he subsequently determines the level of anxiety: high or, conversely, low. As part of this work, the following theoretical foundations will be considered: what is anxiety, what are the types of parental relationships, and how they affect the manifestation of anxiety in a senior preschool age child.

The influence of parental relations on the manifestation of anxiety

in senior preschool age children

A.V. Markov

Scientific supervisor: senior lecturer

The department of foreign languages of

Pedagogical Institute NRV BSU

M.G. Ryabchikova

3rd year student of the faculty of psychology

primary and special education of

National Research University «BSU», Belgorod

Russia, Belgorod



Abstract. The article is devoted to the consideration of the influence of parental relations on how anxiety is manifested in senior preschoolers. Namely, when exposed to a child (positive or negative) by his parents, he subsequently determines the level of anxiety: high or, conversely, low. As part of this work, the following theoretical foundations will be considered: what is anxiety, what are the types of parental relationships, and how they affect the manifestation of anxiety in a senior preschool age child.

Introduction. The psychological health of preschoolers depends on a number of factors, for example, environmental, cultural, social and economic.

In many specialized experiments, fears and anxieties are common problems in senior preschool children. V.I. Garbuzov, I.V. Dubrovina, A.I. Zakharov, E.B. Kovaleva studied this issue. As the researchers point out, one of the main conditions that affects the increasing in the level of anxiety in a preschool child is family relationships.

For preschool children, the family is one of the first and main social institutions in which his sense of security is formed. Also, this is the place in which he learns many things: he is educated, accumulates his life experience, and also learns to feel a number of different emotions. Being one of the members of his family, the baby is in close relationship with his parents. Those, in turn, can have a positive or negative effect on the baby. And afterward it follows what the child will be in the future: either kind, sympathetic and sociable, or angry, withdrawn and anxious.

To develop a positive relationship between the child and his parents, the father and mother should have the proper level of knowledge and skills on the issues of upbringing and mutual good relations with the child (M.V. Bykova, E.O. Smirnova). Therefore, the relevance of this problem of relations between parents and children remains invariably significant with regard to children's anxiety, which is poorly studied, but important for psychological science and practice.

The problem that we are investigating is to study the effect of parental relationships on the anxiety of senior preschool age children.

The purpose of this work is to study the influence of parental relationships on the anxiety of senior preschool age children.

The object is the anxiety of senior preschool age children.

The subject of the study is the peculiarities of the parent-child relationships influence on the level of anxiety of senior preschool age children.

The research hypothesis is an unfavorable style of parenting helps to increase the level of anxiety of a senior preschool age child, namely: high anxiety in case of child rejection.

Research Methods:

1. Theoretical analysis of the literature on the research problem, namely:

A) to study theoretical material on the topic of «anxiety»;

B) to study what a family is and what types of parental relationships are;

C) to study the influence of parental relations on the level of preschoolers anxiety.

Currently, there are a large number of definitions of the concept of anxiety. From one point of view, this is an individual feature and manifests itself in the form of excitement and feelings in completely different situations.

K.E. Isard gives the following definition of anxiety: «a complex of fundamental emotions, including fear and emotions such as grief, anger, shame, and guilt, and sometimes interest— excitement. It may include need states and biochemical factors» [1].

Before we begin to understand the essence of the influence of the parental relationship on a preschool age child, we need to consider its significance in life. The family is a specific social institution and always bothers the minds of philosophers, historians, educators, sociologists, psychologists. But at the moment in modern science there is no unified definition of the term «family», although there have been attempts to do this by great thinkers, such as Hegel, Aristotle, Plato, Kant and many others, a significant number of centuries ago.

In the psychological dictionary for parents edited by S.S. Stepanova you can find that the author gives the following interpretation of the term. Namely, in her opinion, a family is «a small group based on marriage or blood relations, whose members are connected by common life, mutual moral responsibility and mutual assistance. Relationships in marriage and family are determined by gender differences and sexual needs, manifest themselves in the form of moral and psychological relations» [2].

According to L.D. Stolyarenko and S.I. Samygin, «a family is a socio-pedagogical group of people designed to optimally meet the needs for self-preservation (procreation) and self-affirmation (self-esteem) of each member» [3].

In their research A.Ya. Varga and V.V. Stolin distinguish the following criteria of parental relations: «acceptance (that is, the parent arranges the child for what he is) - rejection (for such a parent his child seems to be bad, unlucky)», «cooperation» (the parent has an interest in the affairs of his baby , trying to help him in everything), «symbiosis» - in this case, the parent experiences an anxious feeling for his child. For him, he is primarily a defenseless creature, «authoritarian hypersocialization» (some adults require discipline from a child. Child is always punished for disobedience) and «little loser» (in this case, they try to make the child infantile and attribute him insolvency) [4].

Before considering issues that are related to the influence of parental relations, it is necessary to pay special attention to the fact that an anxious child has inadequate self-esteem: low, inadequately high, often contradictory and conflicting. He has difficulty communicating, rarely takes the initiative, his behavior is with obvious signs of maladaptation, interest in learning is reduced. He is characterized by insecurity, timidity, minimal self-realization.

R. Burns believed that a strict, even somewhat unfair attitude to the baby in the family is the reason for the development of their disease state. In a situation of overly-indulgent attitude - a reason that goes over the edge of emotionality in senior preschoolers. But excessive demanding is the cause of the child’s mental weakness [5].

V.N. Myasishchev, E.K. Yakovleva, R.A. Zachepetskiy, S.G. Fayeberg said that upbringing in strict conditions, in which conflicting demands and prohibitions are traced, leads to the emergence of a reason for the appearance of a neurosis, some obsessive states, and even psychasthenia; education by type of excessive attention and satisfaction of all the needs and desires of the baby, without exception, leads to the development of hysterical character traits with egocentrism, increased emotionality and lack of self-control; imposing excessive requirements for children is an etiological factor in neurasthenia [6].

I.V. Smolyarchuk makes the following conclusions: contradictory and degrading education leads to an aggressive-protective type of behavior for children with increased excitability and instability; despotic education - to a passively protective type of behavior with inhibition, timidity, uncertainty and dependence; super-custody, protection - to an infantilized type of behavior with vivid affective reactions [7].

Domestic and foreign authors draw attention to the fact that based on the parenting model, mother and father sometimes also build their relationships with their child in the same way.

In the book of S.V. Maximova «The influence of parent-child intrafamilial relationships on anxiety of preschool children» the research of V. S. Mukhina, T.A. Repina, M.S. Lisina are given and indicate that the reason for constructing negative relationships between parents and children is their ignorance of the psychological characteristics of age, tasks, content, forms, parenting methods [8].

Conclusion. The theoretical material that we studied helped us understand the concept of anxiety and its influence on the development of the personality of a senior preschool child. One of the key factors that affect the increased anxiety can be the peculiarity of the relationship between the child and his father and mother: to some extent a cold attitude, the negative position of parents to the senior preschooler, lack of close contact with him, limitedness, namely minimization communication, ignorance of age and individual characteristics in development. And in order to build a positive relationship with the child, it is important to know how to do it properly.


1. Isard, K.E. Psychology of emotions / K.E. Isard St.Petersburg - 2007. - p. 464. (date of access 11/23/2019).

2. Psychology. Dictionary / Ed. by A.V. Petrovsky, M.G. Yaroshevsky. -2nd ed., rev. and suppl. - M .: Politizdat, 1990. - p. 494. (date of access 11/22/2019).

4. Rogov, E.I. Handbook of a Practical Psychologist, / E.I. Rogov - VLADOS 1999.

p. 480. (date of access 11.24.2019).

5. Burns, R. The development of self-concept and education / R. Burns // M .: 1990.

p. 401. (date of access 11/26/2019).

6. Myasishchev, V.N. Psychology of relations / V.N. Myasishchev - Voronezh: NPO «Modek». - 1998. - p. 363. (date of access 11.26.2019).

7. Smolyarchuk I.V. The influence of disturbed parent-child relationships on the manifestations of anxiety / I.V. Smolyarchuk // Psychological and Pedagogical Journal Gaudeamus. 2018 .-- p. 72.

8. Maksimova, S.V. The influence of parent-child intra-family relationships on the anxiety of preschool children. In the collection: Young researcher: from idea to project Materials of the II student scientific-practical conference. FSBEI of HE «Mari State University»; edited by D.A. Mikheeva - 2018 .-- p. 184.

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