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Al-Farabi KazNU-modern scientific and educational cluster | Akimbaeva K. T.. Работа №239473

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Автор: Akimbaeva K. T.
Since 2016, KazNU has been operating the center for situational management – an organizational and technological complex based on software and information support for management decisions based on comprehensive monitoring of factors affecting the development of ongoing processes.

For the development of potential scientific developments and mastering of new production technologies for high technology operates a Cluster of engineering and high technology, including science and technology Park, Centre of process innovation (Center of engineering and commercialization) and the Center for green technology.

Al-Farabi KazNU-modern scientific and educational cluster


Since 2016, KazNU has been operating the center for situational management – an organizational and technological complex based on software and information support for management decisions based on comprehensive monitoring of factors affecting the development of ongoing processes.

For the development of potential scientific developments and mastering of new production technologies for high technology operates a Cluster of engineering and high technology, including science and technology Park, Centre of process innovation (Center of engineering and commercialization) and the Center for green technology.

The "green technologies" center is a city "MINI-EXPO" for the implementation of innovative projects on "green energy", and training of specialists of a new formation based on modern technologies and high - tech engineering, using various energy production technologies: wind, solar, hydro-and geothermal, and biogas energy. On the territory of the center, all the necessary alternative energy sources are accumulated: heat pumps, a biogas plant, wind generators.

As part of the program for training highly qualified personnel for priority industries for the purposes of industrial and innovative development of the country, the University has opened innovative laboratories for archiving and dissemination of information, nanomaterial science and technology of new nanomaterials for industry, a laboratory for the production of chemicals for industry and Agrochemistry, a laboratory for green energy for the chemical industry.

The educational process at the University is supported by the information and software complex "Univer 2.0" developed at the al-Farabi Kazakh national University, which provides automated workplaces for all categories of users involved in the educational process, starting with the admission Committee and ending with the student's graduation. The system ensures simultaneous work of all participants in the educational process. Thanks to the cloud-based system of educational process automation, all educational processes (attendance, academic performance, grading in classes and exams, etc.) and auxiliary processes (procedures for distributing vacant educational grants and places in dormitories, etc.) are extremely open and transparent.


For the first time in Kazakhstan, al-Farabi KazNU has opened a center for remote sensing of the Earth together with the Research Institute of aerospace information Of the Academy of Sciences of the people's Republic of China. The project is aimed at solving a wide range of original scientific, applied, technological, analytical and educational tasks for creating a "digital" Kazakhstan using advanced digital earth sensing technologies, which in turn opens up wide prospects for conducting geological research, mapping, aerial and space surveys, spectrometry and hyperspectral images, etc.

To study the steppe ecosystem and the problems of interaction between the biosphere and cultural Genesis, socio-cultural and spiritual-sacred values of the steppe world, the research Institute "Archeology and steppe civilizations"was created.

Center "Digital technology" and "robotics" was created to develop and implement educational and research work in the field of digital technologies and robotics and modernization of curricula of the faculty of mechanics and mathematics in light of modern concepts of mechatronics.

The most important task of the University is the spiritual education of young people as citizens of the country and the world. The al-Farabi library is a structural division of the al-Farabi Kazakh national University.it was opened simultaneously with the University in 1934. The library provides information, educational, scientific, cultural and educational activities of students and teaching staff.

The al-Farabi library is the largest University library in the country and Central Asia, with more than 2.5 million documents. The library's collection is a rich collection of scientific, artistic, educational, methodical, and educational literature. Library readers can receive information services not only in traditional format and stationary mode, but also remotely in electronic format in online mode.

The spiritual and moral component of the model " AL-FARABI UNIVERSITY SMART CITY "is based on the project initiated by KazNU" Formation of citizens of a virtuous society", the purpose of which is to unite universities in promoting and spreading among young people the ideas of peace, goodness and justice laid down in the works of Abu Nasr Ibn al-Farabi.


Senior lecturer of Department "Finance and accounting" Akimbaeva K. T.

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