Traditional Dishes of Russian Cuisine | Ситникова Елена Викторовна . Работа №299256
Автор: Ситникова Елена Викторовна
Русский народ богат своей культурой, песнями, танцами, фольклором. Богат он также и кухней. В презентации красочно представлены исконно русские блюда с рецептами приготовления.
Pancakes are a traditional delicacy of the Russian people, one of the most beloved and revered dishes, both in the times of ancient Russia and now. They occupied a worthy place on the table of every housewife, and are considered one of the very first flour dishes that appeared in the diet of our ancestors around the 9th century AD.
Previously, pancakes were baked everywhere throughout the year, serving as both an everyday and a festive dish. Since the 19th century, pancakes have become the main symbol of the bright, cheerful winter holiday of Maslenitsa, personifying the ruddy spring sun, they participated in the winter send-off and the Spring meeting
For the Russian people, pancakes were and are one of the favorite delicacies, we are ready to eat them both day and night, enjoying the taste and aroma, as well as a variety of fillings, which can be both sweet (berries, jam, jam, cottage cheese) and not sweet (meat, mushroom, fish, with red and black caviar).