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Современные проблемы, угрожающие природе и населению планеты | Альп Ниль Евгеньевна. Работа №334021

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Открытый урок для учеников 7 класса.

В соответствии с общеметодическими требованиями учителю рекомендуется осуществлять регулярный текущий контроль знаний, умений и навыков учащихся. В данном уроке можно встретить все виды контроля.  Диалогическая речь, монологическая речь, проверка навыков аудирования, умение работать с текстом и извлекать необходимую информацию, навыки правописания, правильное произношение. Можно провести его в качестве открытого урока или использовать отдельные элементы для обычного урока.

Открытый урок по учебнику для 7-го класса
“Our Environment”
Предмет: английский язык
Тема учебного занятия:
Современные проблемы, угрожающие природе и населению нашей планеты
Цель урока: Совершенствование лексических навыков по теме Окружающая среда.
1. Развивать познавательный интерес учащихся; расширять страноведческие знания, помочь учащимся лучше осознать явления своей действительности, своей культуры путем сравнения их с иной действительностью и культурой.
2. Развитие навыков в говорении по теме Окружающая среда.
3. Привлечь внимание к защите окружающей среды, убедить в том, что эта проблема актуальна для каждого из нас.
4. Формировать умения делать проекты.
I. Орг. момент.
Слайд 1
T: Good morning, children, dear quests. Sit down, please. I am glad to see you. How are you?
Ps: Good morning, Аnasstasia Evgenevna, glad to see you too.
Т:What date is today? Who is absent?
P: I am on duty today. Today is the 6 th of December. All are present today.
T: Today we have got some guests at our lesson. We are happy to greet them, arent we? Lets start our lesson .Look at the blackboard, please. Read these words; look at these pictures and you will be able to name the title and aim of the lesson and find key word for our lesson. Ps: I think we will speak about the environment, nature. T.: And what about you? P: It seems to me, well discuss about camping. T: Thats right. Today we are going to speak about camping, nature, the world around us, look for a place where we can have a rest, read, write, sing songs and make the project An ecological tree
II. Речевая зарядка:
Слайд 2
T: The first step is camping. Answer my questions, please. Do you like camping? What do you think about camping?
Ps: (возможные ответы)
I like camping..
In my opinion camping is fun, because...
To my mind camping is boring.
I hate camping.
Т: I see some of you like camping, and there are pupils who don’t like camping, but nevertheless, let’s go camping. At first, we must pack our backpacks.
Слайд 3
Let’s enjoy camping with the boys from the video film. (Просмотр видеоролика, дети поют вместе)
So, what things are important to have for camping?
Ps: Ps: It is important to have a backpack (a cauldron, a compass, a guitar, matches, a torch, a tent, a penknife, a spoon, snack, a sleeping bag etc.)
IV. Развитие умений в говорении по теме.
Cлайд 5
T: After a long day you are getting to your favourite campsite. I am afraid you are tired, aren’t you? You want to stop for the night, but you can’t. You see Everything is awful!
Ps: Ex. 3 P. 60 (Диалог)
Слайд 6-7
T: What litter did they find at the campsite? What happened?
Ps: Somebody started a fire (polluted the water, killed the fish, left the litter, cut down trees, etc).
T: You see, the world around us is in danger and we must protect the nature. T: Answer my questions, please. What must we do with this litter? What can we do with it? P1: We must burn it. T: We cant do this, because the toxins from the litter will pollute the atmosphere. P2: We must bury it under the ground. Слайды 8-11
T: What kind of ecological problems do you know?
Ps: Water, air, land pollution.
T: Many people all over the world are worried about the nature and discuss it in Russia, France, Italy, England etc.
Now listen to the text about how people protect the environment in England and be ready to answer the question: “How do people protect the environment in England?”
(запись Ex. 5 P. 68 и отвечают на вопрос учителя.) Have you ever heard about Greenpeace? What does Greenpeace do?
P: Yes, I have. It is an international organization which fights against water and air pollution.
VI. Проектная работа.
Слайды 13-14
(Работа в группах, на листках А4 делают проект, потом один из группы защищает проект)
T: The Earth is our big Home. We must keep it clean for ourselves and for the next generations, because nothing is forever and nature is getting tired. If we don’t stop and think today, tomorrow the Earth could die.
And now we must think and answer the main question today: ECOLOGY IS ONE OF THE GLOBAL PROBLEMS OF 21 CENTURY.
I want you to form 3 groups. You should make projects about environmental problems in your country, region. I `ll give you sheets of paper and you write advice for your friends, promises to protect the Environment. I `ll give you 5 min. to do the project. (Во время выполнения проекта звучит Лунная соната с презентацией).
If you want the life be cool,
Like a full of colour picture,
Don’t forget to write green rules:
What rules shouldn’t we forget?
Ps: (читают советы)
Let us make green rules for saving our nature in our region, our country and in our planet. Let’s make a project “Green Tree”. Use the tree leaves, think a little and write your promises on it. Then you’ll read your promises and we’ll make our Green Tree.
I’d like to pay your attention to the words of J. Galsworthy, an English writer, he said: If you don’t think about the future, you will not have it. Remember these words!
( на листьях дуба дети пишут обещания, советы, чтобы сохранить окружающую среду в чистоте, прикрепляя листья к дереву, при этом зачитывая свои обещания)
• I promise to protect animals.
Слайд 15
We’ve made our Green Tree. Now let’s sing the song about nature protection NOTHING IS FOREVER. (The song)
(учащиеся поют песню со стр. 65 учебника.)
VII. Заключительный этап урока.
Слайд 16
T: Dear friends, our lesson is almost over. What have you learnt?
P1: It is important to protect the world around us, animals and flowers, oceans and seas.
P2: I agree, if we want to have clean Earth, water, air we must protect them.
P3: We must protect the environment, because nothing is forever and nature is getting tired. If we don’t stop and think today, tomorrow the Earth could die.
T: What did you like best of all?
P1: I liked the project.
P2: I liked songs.
P3: As for me I preferred the project…
T: The home task for you will be to write the letter to your friend, according to the rules.
T: Thank you for the lesson, you were very active, attentive and bright.
I enjoyed your work at the lesson. Your marks are…
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