педагогический портал
Международный педагогический портал (лицензия на осуществление образовательной деятельности №9757-л, свидетельство о регистрации СМИ №ЭЛ ФС 77-65391)
8 (800) 350-54-64
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Скидка 42% действует до 02.05
8 (800) 350-54-64
звонок бесплатный
Vk Whatsapp Youtube
Лицензированный образовательный портал (лицензия №9757-л, СМИ №ЭЛ ФС 77-65391)
8 (800) 350-54-64
Название статьи:

Тема урока: An unforgettable journey | Динара Хатамовна Нуралиева. Работа №334022

Дата публикации:
Описание: use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and feelings use conjunctions if , when, where, so, and, or, but, because , before, after to  link parts of sentences in short texts on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics  use present continuous forms with present and future meaning  and past continuous forms for background and interrupted past actions on a limited range of  familiar  general and curricular topics  

All learners will be able to:

Recognise the meaning of text  and answer the questions

Most learners will be able to:

Make sentences with new vocabulary and use the pronouns

Some learners will be able to:

Can give their opinion to a given tasks

Act out the given information with support

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